Statutory guidance

Section H: Control measures

Updated 11 July 2024

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) tries to maintain The Blue Book with up-to-date legislation but cannot guarantee that it is up to date at all times. The legislation and documents may have been updated since the links above were published. The Blue Book does not contain comprehensive UK legislation applicable to Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish waters.

Legislation in the blue book is not currently available in consolidated versions. To check current wording, you will need to cross reference the legislation you are reviewing with any amendments made by other Statutory Instruments or Acts. If a piece of legislation is known to have been amended links have been included to the amending Statutory Instrument or Act.

H8.02: Union Fishing Fleet Register

Amended by: SI 2019/739 – Reg. 33

H8.05 Defining Characteristics of fishing vessels

Amended by: SI 2019/739 – Reg. 32, SI 2019/753 – Reg. 40

H8.07: Implementing regulation for the characteristic of fishing vessels

Amended by: SI 2019/739 – Reg. 34

H8.10: Control Regulation

Amended by: SI 2019/739 – Reg. 4, SI 2019/753 – Reg. 27

H8.10A: Approved sampling plans for weighing

H8.10B: List of Union Inspectors

H8.11: Control Regulation detailed rules

Amended by: SI 2019/739 – Reg. 5

H8.13: EFCA

H8.15: Western Waters and North Sea SCIP for demersal and pelagic species

H8.16: North Sea real time closures

Amended by: SI 2019/739 – Reg. 7

H8.23: Registered Buyers and Sellers Regulation

Amended by: SI 2015/191 – Art. 4

H8.24: The Fish Labelling Regulations

Amended by: SI 2019/746 – Reg. 10

H8.25: The Sea Fishing (Points for Masters of Fishing Boats) Regulations 2014

Amended by: SI 2019/746 – Reg. 11, SI 2018/643 – Reg. 10-11

H8.70: Cod Recovery Plan control measures

Amended by: SI 2019/753 – Reg. 25, SI 2019/1312 – Reg. 7, A 2020/C22 – Schedule 11

H8.71: CRZ effort regime - excluded vessel groups.

H8.72: Cod Recovery Plan detailed rules

H8.80: Multiannual plan for Western Waters Demersal stocks

Amended by: SI 2019/1312 – Reg. 6, A 2020/C22 – Schedule 11, SI 2019/753 – Reg. 25

H8.90: Western waters effort and biologically sensitive area

Amended by: SI 2019/753 – Art. 31

H8.92 NEAFC scheme of control and enforcement

Amended by: SI 2019/753 – Art. 5

H8.93 NEAFC Control and Enforcement Detailed Rules

Amended by: SI 2019/753 – Art. 6

H8.94 NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures

H8.95: The Sea Fishing (Penalty Notices) (England) Order 2011

Amended by: SI 2020/1635 – Art. 2

H8.97: Common marketing standards (size, weight) for certain fishery products

Amended by: SI 2019/753 – Reg. 34, SI 2019/739 – Reg. 20