Variation Issued: Monday 01 August 2022
Updated 23 January 2025
The variation effective from 00:01hrs Monday 1st August 2022 is as follows:
1. Temporary lift of the Under 10m licence cap
The Cap on some under 10m vessels which restricts their uptake to no more than 350kg per year of quota stocks has been temporarily lifted for the remainder of 2022.
- Additional Condition added to Licence Schedules for Category A limited (94)
5.3 The vessel to which this licence relates may fish for, land and retain on board the additional quantities of mackerel caught in ICES area VIId using handline gears set out in the annexe to this licence only if it has been authorised in writing by the MMO.
- Amendment to PART II: QUOTA LIMITATIONS OF TAC STOCKS to Licence Annexe for Category A Limited (94/99)
Tac Species, Sea Area and Quota limitations added
The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence webpage.