Variation issued: Saturday 1 January 2022
Updated 27 February 2025
1. Check your licence
It is your responsibility to check your licence documents before going to sea as licences can be changed at any time. The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence page.
The variations effective from 00:01 hours, Saturday 1January 2022 are as follows:
2. Quota Changes – U10m Licences
Affecting Non- sector Licence Category A 91/99
Cod | North Sea | 1.5t | 3t |
Haddock | North Sea | 2t | 2.5t |
Haddock | VIIa | 0.5t | 1t |
Hake | North Sea | 0.5t | 2t |
Herring | IVab | 30t | 50t |
Herring | VIIa | 0.3t | 0.5t |
Herring | VIIe and VIIf | 10t | 15t |
Nephrops | North Sea | 30t | 50t (quarterly) |
Plaice | VIIf and VIIg | 4t | 5t |
Pollock | VII | 10t | 30t |
Saithe | North Sea | 0.1t | 0.5t |
Saithe | VII, VIII | 0.5t | 1t |
Turbot and brill | North Sea | 0.5t | 1t |
Whiting | North Sea | 3t | 4t |
Whiting | VIIa | 0.05t | 0.1t |
Small-Eyed Ray | VIIf&g | 2t | 1.5 t and to be included in the total catch for Areas VI & VII excluding VIId |
Herring | IVc and VIId | 300t | 100t |
Skates and rays | VIId | 2t | 1.5t |
Mackerel | North Sea | 10t | 6t |
Skates and rays | VI and VII (excluding VIId) | 8t | 6t |
Sole | VIIa | 3t | 2t |
Sole | VIIe | 2.5t | 1.5t |
Sprats | VIId and VIIe | 5.5t | 1t |
- Affecting the following Sector Licence types. Category A 91/1, 91/3, 91/5, 91/14, 91/18 and 91/18
Small-Eyed Ray | VIIf&g | 2t | 1.5 t and to be included in the total catch for Areas VI & VII excluding VIId |
3. Quota Changes – O10m Licences
Affecting Licence Categories A (11/99), Category A Islands (12/99), Category B (31/99) and Category C (41/99).
3.1 NOTE: Quota changes are only applicable to the stocks listed on your licence category-specific annex that you are authorised to fish for.
Angler | North Sea | 0.5t | 0.8t |
Cod | North Sea | 1t | 1.2t |
Haddock | VIIa | 0.05t | 0.1t |
Haddock | VIIb-k | 1.75t | 2t |
Hake | North Sea | 0.5t | 1.5t |
Herring | VIIa | 0.05t | 0.1t |
Herring | North Sea | 0t | 25t |
Horse mackerel | West coast | 0.5t | 0.1t |
Lemons and witches | North Sea | 1t | 2t |
Mackerel | North Sea | 1t | 4t |
Nephrops | VII | 5t | 6t (quarterly) |
Nephrops | North Sea | 25t | 30t (quarterly) |
Plaice | VIIf and VIIg | 1t | 1.5t |
Pollock | VII | 2t | 3.5t |
Sole | VIIa | 0.05t | 0.1t |
Whiting | VIIa | 0.05t | 0.1t |
Angler | VII | 8t | 6.5t |
Hake | Western | 15t | 10t |
Herring | IVc and VIId | 100t | 75t |
Nephrops | West of Scotland | 10 | 5t (quarterly) |
Plaice | VIId and VIIe | 9t | 8t |
Plaice | North Sea | 6t | 5t |
Saithe | North Sea | 0.2t | 0.1t |
Skates and rays | VIId | 2t | 1t |
Skates and rays | VI and VII (excluding VIId) | 20t | 5t |
Small-Eyed Ray | VIIf&g | 2t | 1.5t and to be included in the total catch for Areas VI & VII excluding VIId |
Sole | VIIe | 1.7t | 0.7t |
Whiting | VIIb-k | 3t | 2.5t |
Affecting the following Sector Licence types:
- Category A 11/1 11/1, 11/2, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5, 11/7, 11/8, 11/9, 11/10, 11/14, 11/17, 11/18, 11/19, 11/20, 11/25, 11/26 and 11/29.
- Category A Pelagic 17/2, 17/3, 17/25 and 17/26.
- Category B 3/12, 31/9 and 31/22.
- Category C 41/14 and 41/ 2
Small-Eyed Ray | VIIf&g | 2t | 1.5 t and to be included in the total catch for Areas VI & VII excluding VIId |
4. Amendment to Licence Schedules
Affecting Under 10m Licence Category A (91), Category A Producer Organisation (91PO) and Category A Limited (94):
- Updated bass conditions at paragraph 8.
Affecting Over 10m Licence Category A (11), Category A Islands (12), Category A Pelagic (17), Category B (31) and Category C (41):
- Updated bass conditions at paragraph 12.
- Scallop effort days set to 65 for Q1; 00:01hrs 01 January 2022 – 23:59hrs 31 March 2022.
- Crab effort days set to 160; 00:01hrs 1st January 2022 – 23:59hrs 31 December 2022.