Variation issued: Saturday 12 October 2024
Updated 27 February 2025
1. The variation effective from 00:01hrs Saturday 12 October 2024 is as follows:
1.1 Update to UK Celtic Sea Technical Measures Conditions
- Affecting Over 10m licence categories A (11), A (Islands) (12), A (Pelagic) (17), B (31), C (41), and Deep-sea Species (85) and 10m & Under licence categories A (91), A (PO) (91), and A (Limited) 94.
Amendment appears at:
- condition 25.9 in Over 10m Category A, A (Islands), B, and C
- condition 32.9 in Over 10m Category A (Pelagic) (17)
- condition 13.9 in 10m & Under Category A, A (PO), and A (Limited) (94)
- condition 11.9 in Over 10m Deep-Sea Species (85)
X.9. The obligation in condition X.1, condition X.2 or condition X.5 does not apply to a vessel which fishes west of longitude 5° West, in ICES divisions 7e, or in ICES division 7f within 12 nautical miles of the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to the United Kingdom is measured, provided that the vessel instead uses a 100 mm single twine codend with maximum 5 mm twine thickness, derogating from the twine thickness requirements in X.3.
The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence webpage.
It is your responsibility to check variations before going to sea as they can be changed at any time.
If you have any queries, please contact the Fisheries Management Team.