Statutory guidance

Variation issued: Sunday 01 December 2024

Updated 27 February 2025

1. The variation effective from 00:01hrs Sunday 01 December 2024 is as follows:  

1.1 Fishing Activity which Requires the Completion of an Electronic Catch Record

  • Affecting 10m & Under licence categories A (91) and A (Limited) 94

Amendment appears at:

10.5        Where the vessel to which this licence relates fishes or is present in

(a) ICES sub area 4c and 7d; or

(b) ICES divisions 7d and 7e

the master must, before each crossing of a boundary between the relevant ICES sub-areas submit a catch record using the mobile application described in condition 10.7. The vessel is not permitted in these circumstances to submit the catch record via the World Wide Web portal.

10.6        Where the vessel to which this licence relates lands any quantity of fish (including shellfish) and condition 10.4 above does not apply, the electronic catch record referred to in condition 10.1 must be submitted no later than 24 hours after landing

10.7        The electronic catch record referred to in 10.1 must be completed and submitted within the timeframes detailed in 10.4 or 10.6 via one of the following methods.

i)  the World Wide Web at the following URL address:, or

ii) the official “Record Your Catch” application (‘the mobile application’) available on the Apple App Store or Google Play Stores via the following URL addresses: Apple iOS devices: Android devices:, or

iii)  The Catch Recording Help line and Out of Hours service on 0300 0203 788

If technical issues are experienced when using the chosen submission method, catch records must be submitted via one of the alternative methods.