Statutory guidance

Variation issued: Sunday 01 September 2024

Updated 27 February 2025

1. The variation effective from 00:01hrs Sunday 01 September 2024 is as follows:  

1.1 Changes to Fishing Restrictions for Undulate Ray

  • Affecting Over 10m licence categories A (11), A (Islands) (12), A (Pelagic) (17), B (31), and C (41), and 10m & Under licence categories A (91), and A (Limited) (94)

Changes to Fishing Restrictions for Undulate Ray :

Moving 200kg limit per trip in 7d-e in licence schedules to a monthly TAC of 2 tonnes in licence annexes.

  • Schedules amended as follows:

In Over 10m licence schedules:

.14. Undulate ray (Raja undulata) can be caught in ICES subareas 7 d and e only between the hours of 00:01 on 1st January and 23:59 on 30th April; and 00:01 on 1st September and 23:59 of 31st December. Each calendar year a fishing vessel may retain on board and land undulate ray caught in ICES area 7d and 7e provided that the quota limits in the licence annex and the following conditions are adhered to 

a. In cases where it is not subject to the landing obligation set out in article 15 of Regulation (EU) 1380/2013, no undulate ray which measures less than 78 centimetres when measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail shall be retained on board or landed, 

b. In cases where it is not subject to the landing obligation set out in article 15 of Regulation (EU) 1380/2013, no undulate ray which measures more than 97 centimetres when measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail shall be retained on board or landed, 

c. No undulate ray may be transhipped, 

d. Undulate ray may only be retained on board or landed whole or gutted. 

In 10m & Under licence schedules:

8.1 Undulate ray (Raja undulata) can be caught in ICES subareas 7 d and e only between the hours of 00:01 on 1st January and 23:59 on 30th April; and 00:01 on 1st September and 23:59 of 31st December. Each calendar year a fishing vessel may retain on board and land undulate ray caught in ICES area 7d and 7e provided that the quota limits in the licence annex and the following conditions are adhered to 

a. In cases where it is not subject to the landing obligation set out in article 15 of Regulation (EU) 1380/2013, no undulate ray which measures less than 78 centimetres when measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail shall be retained on board or landed, 

b. In cases where it is not subject to the landing obligation set out in article 15 of Regulation (EU) 1380/2013, no undulate ray which measures more than 97 centimetres when measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail shall be retained on board or landed, 

c. No undulate ray may be transhipped, 

d. Undulate ray may only be retained on board or landed whole or gutted. 

  • Annexes amended as follows:
Undulate Ray 7de 2 tonnes

1.2 10m & Under Non-Sector Quota Increase

  • Affecting 10m & Under licence categories A (91) and A (Limited) (94).
Plaice 7e 1.5 (monthly) 3 (monthly)

1.3 Over 10m and 10m & Under Quota Increase

  • Affecting Over 10m licence categories A (11), A (Islands) (12), A (Pelagic) (17), B (31), and C (41), and 10m & Under licence categories A (91), and A (Limited) (94)
Brill 7de 0.6 (monthly) 1.2 (monthly)

The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence webpage.             

It is your responsibility to check variations before going to sea as they can be changed at any time.          

If you have any queries, please contact the Fisheries Management Team.