Variation issued: Sunday 07 March 2021
Updated 27 February 2025
1. Check your licence
It is your responsibility to check your licence documents before going to sea as licences can be changed at any time. The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence page.
The variation effective from 00:01 hours, Sunday 7th March 2021 is as follows:
2. Western Waters Scallop Effort days increase
- Increasing the Western Water Scallop Effort days for the period 00:01hrs 01 January 2021 – 23:59hrs 31 March 2021 from 45 to 55 days.
Affecting Over 10m licence Schedules for Cat A (11), Cat A Islands (12), Cat A Pelagic (17), Cat B (31) and Cat C (41)
3. Correction to Over 10m Schedule
- Correction at Paragraph 9.5
Affecting Over 10m licence Schedules for Cat A (11), Cat A Islands (12), Cat B (31) and Cat C (41)
- Correction at paragraph 9.4
Affecting Over 10m licence Schedules Cat A Pelagic (17),
4. Addition to Isle Of Man Licence annexes
- Mackerel restriction as a species for which you may not fish in sea areas IIIa & IV: IIa, IIIbcd VI, VII, VIIIabde, Vb, IIa
Affecting IOM Over 10m licence Annexe for Category B (31/23) and Category C (41/23)
The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence webpage.
It is your responsibility to check variations before going to sea as they can be changed at any time. If you have any queries please contact the Fisheries Management team.