Variation issued: Sunday 28 May 2023
Updated 23 January 2025
The variation effective from 00:01hrs Sunday 28 May 2023 is as follows:
1. Over 10m Non-Sector Quota Increase
- Affecting Licence Category A (11/99), Category A Islands (12/99) and Category B (31/99)
Nethrops | VII | 8 quarterly | 15 quarterly |
2. Change to Over 10m Licence Condition relating to Cod in areas V and VI
- Affecting Licence Schedules at section 11.5 for Category A (11), Category A Islands (17), Category B (31), Category C (41) and at section 11.4 for Category A Pelagic (17).
2.1 Wording changed from
Notwithstanding any quota limitation detailed in Part II of the Annex to this Schedule, the vessel to which this licence relates, may not retain on board and land Cod, caught in ICES Divisions Vb, VI, separately (whereby 1.5 tonnes may not be exceeded separately in the ICES Divisions VIa; British fishery limits of Vb east of 12° 00′ W and 0.25t may not be exceeded in the ICES division VIb; British Fishery Limits of Vb west of 12° 00′ W) by live weight of the total catch retained on board the vessel during each fishing trip.
2.2 Wording changed to:
Notwithstanding any quota limitation detailed in the Annexes, the vessel to which this licence relates may retain on board and land Cod caught in ICES Divisions VIa; EU and International Waters of Vb east of 12°00’W only insofar as where such catches do not exceed 10% of the total landings (by live weight) retained on board the vessel, during each fishing trip and do not exceed 1 tonne (by live weight).
The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence webpage.