
Fit for Work: guidance for GPs

Guidance for GPs on using Fit for Work to help their patients stay in or return to work.

This publication was withdrawn on

This page has been withdrawn because the Fit for Work assessment service has ended. You can still get advice about health and work and support on sickness absence, at:

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



This guidance aimed to help employees make the best use of Fit for Work, supporting them to return to work as quickly as appropriate.

We also published Fit for Work guidance for employees and guidance for employers.

Updates to this page

Published 2 January 2015
Last updated 29 November 2016 show all updates
  1. Published 'Welsh: Ffit i Weithio: canllaw cyflym i Feddygon Teulu'.

  2. Published 'Fit for Work: a quick guide for GPs'.

  3. Replaced guidance with revised versions – Return to Work Plans issued through Fit for Work can be accepted as evidence of sickness absence by employers in exactly the same way as a GP fit note.

  4. Added information about the phased roll-out of Fit for Work in England, Scotland and Wales in 2015. And replaced PDFs.

  5. First published.

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