
Fit note: guidance for employers and line managers

This guidance explains actions required if you are given a fit note (Statement of Fitness for Work) by an employee.



This guidance is to explain actions required if you are given a fit note by an employee. It gives advice on what different sections of the fit note mean and how you can use it most effectively to support the health and wellbeing of employees in your organisation.

Updates to this page

Published 1 March 2013
Last updated 6 October 2023
  1. Updated guidance document, as well as summary and details. Added employer's checklist, guide explaining sections of the fit note and also case studies.

  2. Made updates to the frequently asked questions section.

  3. Fit notes can now be certified by doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists and physiotherapists.

  4. Updated guidance to introduce a new version of the fit note.

  5. The temporary change to the rules on when you need to provide a fit note has ended. From 27 January 2022 you will need to provide a fit note after 7 days of sickness to claim benefits or claim Statutory Sick Pay from your employer.

  6. Added a message about not having to provide fit notes (sick notes) until 27 January 2022 to give GPs more time to work on the coronavirus vaccination boosters.

  7. Removed mentions of the Fit for Work service, which has now closed. Updated the sample Statement of Fitness for Work document.

  8. Added this note to the page – A new version of the fit note is now available but old ones can still be used. The advisory notes now include information about Fit for Work and the collection of anonymous fit note data. We will revise the guidance to reflect the changes.

  9. Published updated guidance.

  10. We've removed the guidance while we update it.

  11. Updated English version to include information about the new Fit for Work service.

  12. First published.

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