
Flood defences in Worthing: announcement of intention not to prepare an environmental statement

Published 15 August 2024

This notice was withdrawn on

The period to respond ended on 22 September 2024.

Applies to England

The notice

Announcement of intention not to prepare an environmental statement under regulation 5 (1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Land Drainage Improvement Works) Regulations 1999 (Amendment) 2017.

Notice is hereby given that the Environment Agency intends to provide an improved level of flood protection in Worthing, West Sussex on the South Coast of England.

The works

The proposed improvement works are located along an approximate 3.7km stretch of the Worthing frontage, extending from groyne 69 at Sea View Road to groyne 140 opposite Brooklands Brighton Road car park. The proposed scheme constitutes maintenance and reconstruction of the Worthing coastal assets on a short-term (less than 10 years) basis, whilst a longer-term scheme is developed.

Phase 1 comprises timber repairs to groynes and the placement of additional rock to support the groynes will be undertaken in Year 1. This will be followed by a period of monitoring and subsequent beach recycling in Years 2 and 3. As part of Phase 2, volumes of shingle will be moved around within individual sections or moved between the 6 frontage sections. It is assumed that 30% of the required shingle volumes naturally accumulate following the groyne repairs in Phase 1. An ongoing review of updated monitoring data throughout the project lifetime will be undertaken.

Intention not to prepare an environmental statement

The Environment Agency has undertaken initial environmental assessments in the form of a Preliminary Environmental Impact Appraisal (PEIR) of the proposals and considers that the improvement works are not likely to have significant effects on the environment and therefore does not intend to prepare an environmental statement in respect of  Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Land Drainage Improvement Works) Regulations 1999 (as amended).

The assessment of potential environmental effects, the significance and any suggested mitigation / controls to make certain that there are no adverse effects on the environment are presented as an EIA Screening Technical Note, PEIR and associated surveys, which are available from the project manager through the contact details below.

Any person wishing to make representations in relation to the likely environmental effects of the proposed improvement works should do so, in writing, to the address specified below, within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice.

Kenny Yong (Project Manager)

35 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3BW

Project Ref: 2024s0437