Flu posters for visitors to hospitals and care homes
These posters aim to encourage visitors to hospitals and care homes to have the flu vaccine and avoid visiting when ill with flu.
These posters are suitable for all hospital and ward settings, and all care home settings.
They are designed to inform visitors of hospital patients or residents to avoid attending patients or visiting if they have symptoms of flu or are feeling unwell. It also advises them to help protect their relative or friends by having the free flu vaccine if they are eligible.
The ‘Flu poster for visitors to hospitals’ can also be ordered using the product code FLU2001.
The ‘Flu poster for visitors to care homes’ can also be ordered using the product code FLU2002.
Health publications orderline
Immunisation Publications
UK Health Security Agency, 61 Colindale Avenue, Colindale
Contact form https://www.healthpubl...
Telephone: 0300 123 1002
Copies of printed publications and the full range of digital resources to support the immunisation programmes can now be ordered and downloaded online. Log in to register and place your order.