
Flycapture: guidance for users

Guidance for users of the 'flycapture' system to report illegal dumping of waste.

This publication was withdrawn on

The recording of fly tipping data is being reviewed. This guidance document is no longer relevant. For further queries or information please contact The Environment Agency.


Flycapture: technical briefing document number 1

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Flycapture: guidance help text

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Flycapture a web-based fly-tipping database for the United Kingdom. It was created to help local authorities (councils) and the Environment Agency tackle fly-tipping and is part of a package of measures provided in response to the requirements of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. It enables councils to submit summary data relating to volumes and types of incidents handled.

These documents are to help users of the system. Members of the public can report fly-tipping to your local council.

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Published 1 July 2009

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