FOI Internal audit report prepared for Monitor on processes for distressed finance (and internal review)
The report was produced by the Health Group Internal Audit Service (HGIA).
Applies to England
The original request was for disclosure of an internal audit report on Monitor’s processes for dealing with applications by NHS foundation trusts in financial difficulties for funding from the Department of Health. These are known as distressed finance cases.
The audit was prepared by the Health Group Internal Audit team of the Department of Health and was considered by Monitor’s Risk and Audit Committee in February 2016.
18 May 2016: Monitor withheld the report, on the basis that disclosure would amount to an actionable breach of confidence. The internal review had concluded that the report should continue to be withheld.
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Published 18 March 2016Last updated 18 May 2016 + show all updates
Results of the internal review have been added.
First published.