FOI release

Employment contract and policies

Published 15 October 2024


Thank you for your email of 30 August 2024 asking for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. You asked:

Could you provide copies of the following documents.

  1. Template of the employment contract issued to new employees
  2. Your pay policy
  3. Your maternity policy
  4. Your paternity policy
  5. Your pay bands / grades / scales for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 Could you also confirm:
  6. The number of days annual leave offered to new employees, and explain how this increases over time.
  7. Whether employees are allowed to buy and sell annual leave. If so, how many days?
  8. How many days of annual leave employees can carry over from one year to the next?
  9. The number of days employees are allowed to volunteer for (paid)?
  10. The number of days employees are allowed to volunteer for (unpaid)?
  11. Sickness entitlement of employees e.g. months paid at the full rate, half rate, , what qualifying period?
  12. Whether the organisation closes between Xmas and New Year? If so, whether the days between Xmas and New Year are part of your employees annual leave allowance?
  13. % employer pension contributions

14.% employee pension contributions Following clarification on 2 September 2024, you confirmed that the request for information related to: FCDO services staff based in the UK.

Following a further clarification on 4 September 2024, you also confirmed that question 1 means: a permanent contract. Additionally, question 2 means: the policy from which the organisation guides and informs staff of their pay arrangements. It often includes information on the salary scales, details on allowances offered, pay frameworks etc.

I am writing to confirm that we have now completed the search for the information which you requested. 

I can confirm that FCDO Services does hold information relevant to your request, as set out below.

1) Please see Annex 1.

2) We do not have a single pay policy to which you refer. However, we have other policies that contain elements of pay as follows:

Recruitment (New Joiners, Promotion, Level Move):

‘For level moves, there will be no change to the employee’s basic pay. On promotion, the employee’s basic pay will be increased to either the minimum of the higher pay band or by 10%, whichever is the greater.’

‘FCDO Services policy for external recruitment is, whenever possible, to appoint at the minimum of the pay band. A higher starting salary and/or recruitment allowance may be applied to appointments at Band B, C and D’.

Sick pay – see response to question 11.

Family care and leave – see response to question 3.

3) FCDO Services is a trading fund of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). A Terms of Business Agreement exists between the FCDO and FCDO Services.  The ‘UKBS Family Care and Leave Framework policy’ is owned by the FCDO. To request a copy, please contact the FCDO’s Information Rights Unit -

4) See response to question 3 above.

5) 2022/23 pay bands and grades:

Grade Minima Skills Progression Pay Point Maxima
A1 (spot rate)   £21,000  
A2 (spot rate)   £24,350  
B3 £26,785 £28,050 £31,304
TPB3 £27,650 £29,000 £32,864
C4 £31,000 £32,700 £37,725
TPB4 £33,500 £36,445 £44,197
C5 £39,000 £41,405 £46,787
TPB5 £40,400 £42,890 £49,991
D6 £52,000 £55,955 £63,495
TPB6 £54,000 £58,250 £66,300
D7 £64,320 £67,535 £77,260

2023/24 pay bands and grades:

Grade Spot Rate
A1 £22,800
A2 £25,811
Grade Minima SPPP Maxima
B3 £28,392 £29,933 £32,243
TPB3 £29,586 £31,423 £34,179
C4 £33,480 £35,933 £39,611
TPB4 £35,510 £38,985 £44,197
C5 £40,755 £43,598 £47,863
TPB5 £43,026 £46,012 £50,491
D6 £54,340 £58,526 £64,130
TPB6 £56,430 £60,643 £66,963
D7 £67,214 £71,542 £78,033

6) Effective from 1 January 2023, all FCDO Services staff, who have less than 5 years’ service, will now see their annual leave increase from 25 days to a maximum of 30 days by 1 day’s annual leave per year, rather than by 5 days after 5 years’ service. The award will be implemented for all eligible employees in September pay run and backdated to 1 August 2023.

7) The ‘Leave trading policy,’ is owned by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). For further information, please contact the FCDO’s Information Rights Unit -

8) Employees can carry over up to 12 days into the following leave year. This will be pro rata for part time staff.  Exceptions apply.

9) The Civil Service actively supports voluntary public service by allowing paid and unpaid special leave for voluntary public duties. Although there is no statutory right for this time off to be paid, special paid leave may be granted within the limits set out below:

Public Service Maximum Number of days paid leave per year
Member of Local Authority e.g. Regional, District or Area Health Authority, Community Health Council etc. 24 days
Magisterial Duties / Justice of the Peace 18 days
(plus reasonable travelling time, to permit up to 26 attendances)  
Local Government work 18 days
Elected member of a local authority including Mayors in their Mayoral year and Chairman of Councils 18 days
Lord Mayor and Lord Provost in Mayoral 24 days
Attendance at meetings and other essential business of bodies such as National Health Service (e.g. Health Authorities and Family Practitioner Committees) 6 days
Prison Visiting Committees and Boards of Visitors 6 days
Committees of Local Authorities 6 days
Managing or Governing Body of Educational Establishment School or College Council 6 days
Attendance at meetings of fee paying bodies, such as Industrial Tribunals, provided an undertaking is given not to claim or accept any compensation other than for travel or subsistence purposes 3 days

Additionally, FCDO Services employees are entitled to apply for special paid leave of up to three days for external volunteering activities.

Subject to line manager approval, employees can also volunteer to assist with FCDO Services supported volunteering events, within their normal working day. Any additional time worked outside of normal contracted hours can be claimed, with prior agreement, as time-off-in-lieu. 

10) This would be considered as a request for special unpaid leave.

11) See tables below:

Category Sick pay rates on entry
New entrant to the Civil Service (appointed to a role advertised after 1st January 2014) Full pay for up to a maximum of one month’s sick absence in the first year of service, rising with each year of service to a maximum of five months sick absence after five years’ service during any rolling period of 12 months; and thereafter; half pay for the remaining days up to a maximum of one month’s sick absence in the first year of service, rising with each year of service to a maximum of five months’ sick absence after five years’ service during any rolling period of four years or less; when full or half pay has ceased, it cannot be restored during the same absence.
Employees appointed to a role within FCDO Services advertised prior to 1st January 2014 A maximum of 365 days paid sick absence in any rolling period of four years as follows: full pay for up to a maximum of six months’ sick absence during any rolling period of 12 months; and thereafter; half pay for the remaining days up to a maximum of six months’ sick absence during any rolling period of four years or less; when full or half-pay has ceased, it cannot be restored during the same absence
Length of Service Days’ absence on full pay Days’ absence on half pay Total entitlement to paid sick leave
1 month 7 0 7
Up to 2 months 14 0 14
2-6 months 14 7 21
6-9 months (if probation is extended to the 9 month point) 18 7 25

12) Aside from the designated public holidays, e.g. Christmas, Boxing and New Year days, UK based employees are required to book annual leave if wishing to take leave between Christmas and New Year. Exceptions apply to role based operational employees that are required to work during this time.

13) FCDO Services employees are eligible to join the Civil Service Pension Scheme. Details of pension contributions can be found here: Contribution rates - Civil Service Pension Scheme

14) See response to question 13 above.

Once an FOI request is answered, it is considered to be in the public domain.  To promote transparency, FCDO Services may now publish the response and any material released on GOV.UK in the FOI releases section.  All personal information in the letter will be removed before publishing.

The copies of information being supplied to you continue to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting.  Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder.  Most documents supplied by the FCDO will have been produced by government officials and will be protected by Crown Copyright.  To re-use Crown Copyright documents please consult the Open Government Licence v3 on the National Archives website.

Information you receive which is not subject to Crown Copyright continues to be protected by the copyright of the person, or organisation, from which the information originated. You must ensure that you gain their permission before reproducing any third party (non-Crown Copyright) information.

If you would like to request a review of our decision, you should write to the Data Protection Officer (DPO), Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Team, FCDO Services, Hanslope Park, Milton Keynes, England, MK19 7BH (e-mail:  Please note you have 40 working days to do so from the date of this letter. Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may then apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.  Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the FCDO. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, or online at:

Yours sincerely,

FOI Officer

Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Team

FCDO Services

Annex 1

The basic terms and conditions of your employment are as set out in this Written Statement of Particulars, the offer letter, FCDO Services policies, procedures and rules as may be introduced and/or amended from time to time affecting the terms and conditions of employment. Collective agreements, which directly affect the terms and conditions of employment, are those that are negotiated with recognised Trade Unions who have FCDO Services collective bargaining rights. They are the Public and Commercial Services Union, Prospect, and the FDA.

1) Employer:           FCDO Services, Hanslope Park, Milton Keynes, MK19 7BH

2) Employee:           INSERTEMPLOYEENAME


3) Job Title:             INSERTJOBTITLE

In addition to the duties and responsibilities which this job normally entails as set out in the role profile the employee may from time to time be required to undertake additional or other duties as necessary to meet the needs of FCDO Services.

4) Commencement Date: INSERTDATE

Your employment is permanent, subject to notice periods as set out, other provisions as recorded in this statement, policies and procedures and other rights as established under the law.

5) Continuous Employment: No period of employment prior to the start date counts as part of a period of continuous employment and accordingly the period of continuous employment for the purposes of the Employment Rights Act 1996 begins on the Commencement Date.


Previous employment with INSERTGOVERNMENTDEPARTMENT does count as part of a period of continuous employment, which began on INSERTDATE.

6) Probation: You will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date you take up duty. If you complete successfully this period of probation, your appointment will be confirmed. The period of probation may in certain circumstances be extended.

Induction training and annual leave count towards the probation period, but normally unpaid leave does not. Sickness absence also counts towards the probation period. Unless there are strong mitigating circumstances, an appointment will not normally be confirmed and employment will be terminated if 8 days or more sickness absence has been taken in the first 6 months of employment.

Your probation period will come to an end when confirmed in writing by the HR Employee Relations Team.


As you have completed your probationary period with your original Government Department you do not need to serve a new term of probation with FCDO Services. For the duration of your employment you will be required to demonstrate an acceptable standard of performance, attendance and conduct in line with FCDO Services policies and procedures.

7) Security Vetting: All appointments to FCDO Services are made subject to security clearance being given. Clearance, once granted, could later be withdrawn if for example, the employees conduct, personal behaviour or other personal circumstances cast doubt as to their reliability. Loss of clearance will mean that the employment relationship will end.

8) Place of Work: The normal work base will be INSERTLOCATION however the employee will undertake their work at any place within the United Kingdom or abroad as directed by FCDO Services for the proper performance and exercise of their duties and responsibilities.

9) Work outside the U.K: Where the employee is required to work for a period exceeding one continuous month they will be paid in Sterling and be entitled to additional allowances and benefits as set out in the specific policy and procedure until such time when they return to the UK.

10) Mobility Clause: As a civil servant you are required to be mobile across government departments within the parameters of reasonableness. The issue of what is reasonable will relate to your individual circumstances at the time of any proposed changes to your place of work

11) Pay: Pay will be as a band INSERTPAYGRADE officer on a starting salary of INSERTSALARY plus £1,750 Hanslope Park Location Allowance (HPLA) OR £5,000 London Location Allowance (LLA) per annum, payable by equal calendar monthly instalments in arrears paid on the last working day of the month. The HPLA OR LLA is taxable and non-pensionable.

12) Overtime: You may be offered overtime, for hours worked over and above our standard working week (42 hours) to carry out the proper performance of your duties. FCDO Services does not guarantee that overtime will be available to you but will try to give you at least 48 hours notice. Details on working (including approvals) and payment of overtime are contained in FCDO Services relevant policy, rules and guidance.

13) Hours of Work: The normal working hours are 42 hours per week, including lunch breaks, to be worked at such times as FCDO Services reasonably requires. Employees are required to work such additional hours as may be necessary or appropriate from time to time to enable the carrying out of their duties and to meet the needs of the business.

14) Leave: Annual leave entitlement, paid at the normal basic pay rate, will be 25/30 working days per each holiday year, January to December, to be taken at times as agreed by the employee’s line manager. Employees may carry forward any untaken leave to the next leave year in line with our policy.

In addition there are 9 days paid public and privilege days. These days would be taken if it falls on the employee’s normal working day(s). Where an employee is required to work on such day(s) then time off in lieu will be given.

Where the employment commences or terminates part way through the leave year then the entitlement to annual leave during that year shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis. If on termination of employment an excess of entitlement has been taken then this will be deducted from final salary payment. A payment in lieu of annual leave not taken on termination of employment will be made in the final salary.

Parental Leave: Details of terms and conditions and eligibility requirements relating to maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave including any provision for reporting and pay can be accessed by reference to FCDO Services policies and procedures.

15) Attendance Management: Particulars of any terms and conditions relating to incapacity to work due to sickness or injury, including any provision for reporting and sick pay can be accessed by reference to FCDO Services policies and procedures.


17) Notice Period - the employer: Unless the employment is terminated through summary dismissal and the employee has served more than one month they will be entitled to receive 5 weeks’ OR 3 months’ notice for which payment in lieu of the employee working that notice may be made.

The notice period for all probationers is 5 weeks. This includes Band D staff and above, for whom the normal notice period is 3 months upon completion of probation.

18) Notice Period - the employee: Should the employee decide to leave FCDO Services employment then they will be required to give 5 weeks’ OR 3 months’ notice. Where FCDO Services considers it is inappropriate for the employee to work the notice period then FCDO Services reserves the right to make a payment in lieu of any unexpired period of notice.

The notice period for all probationers is 5 weeks. This includes Band D staff and above, for whom the normal notice period is 3 months upon completion of probation

19) Discipline: The disciplinary procedure that applies to this employment can be found in FCDO Services policies and procedures. Where the employee is not satisfied with any disciplinary outcome including dismissal they should apply in writing to FCDO Services Policy and Employee Relations Team. This and subsequent steps are set out in the FCDO Services policies and procedures.

20) Dispute Resolution: The process and subsequent steps are set out in the FCDO Services policies and procedures.

21) Confidentiality: All employees owe duties of confidentiality and loyal service to the Crown. This requires the exercise of care in the use of information that may be acquired in the course of employment and to protect such information. The Employee shall not at any time during the term of employment with FCDO Services disclose to any person or persons any restricted or confidential information excepting where it is necessary and proper in the course of employment. Nor shall they at any time after the term of employment disclose to any person or persons any restricted or confidential information.

22) Code of Conduct: All employees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Civil Service Code** and FCDO Services Policies and Procedures**. Conduct which breaches these may be treated as a disciplinary matter.

23) Official Secrets Act 1989: All employees of FCDO Services are subject to the Official Secrets Act 1989**.

24) Business Appointment Rules: All serving and former Civil Servants must adhere to the Business Appointment Rules** and before accepting any new appointment or employment, whether in the UK or overseas, which they intend to take up within two years of leaving the Civil Service, must consider whether an application under the Rules is required. Should you require a copy of the guidance document, please contact

25) Data Protection: it is an obligation of FCDO Services to advise you of our reasons for processing the data you have provided, and to make you aware of your rights regarding this data. Our Privacy Notice outlines the types of records that we may hold and the basis for the processing of that data. Our privacy notice provides full details of your rights as a data subject. Under the General Data Protection Regulations you are entitled to have sight of the information we hold and to request amendment if it is incorrect.

** Please note: These documents can be viewed prior to your start date in REDACTED. Post start date, these documents are available to view and download on: REDACTED.

Should you experience any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Annex A

Member contribution rates and salary thresholds from 1 April 2024 are set out in the table below. The figures in brackets show the 2023/24 salary thresholds where a threshold has changed.

Annex A - Employee pension contribution rates in 2024/2025

Annualised rate of pensionable earnings Employee contribution rate
From To
£0 £34,199 (£32,000) 4.60%
£34,200 (£32,001) £56,000 5.45%
£56,001 £150,000 7.35%
£150,001 - 8.05%

The above contribution rates will apply until further notice.