FOI releases for June 2014
Freedom of Information releases for June 2014.
- From:
- Ministry of Justice
- Published
- 23 June 2014
- Last updated
- 26 September 2014 — See all updates
Angolan nationals serving a prison sentence in England and Wales
MS Word Document, 57.5 KB
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Angolan nationals serving a prison sentence in England and Wales: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 16.5 KB
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Details and statistics on indeterminate sentences for public protection in the UK
MS Word Document, 63 KB
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Details and statistics on indeterminate sentences for public protection in the UK: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 18 KB
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Leave to Remove applications in Newcastle
MS Word Document, 78 KB
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Transfers from prison to hospital
MS Word Document, 95 KB
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Category prisoners at HMP Belmarsh, Frankland, Sutton, Lartin, Wakefield and Whitemoor
MS Word Document, 58 KB
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Policy on processes needed in order to recall determinate sentenced prisoner
MS Word Document, 52.5 KB
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Spaces on sex offender treatment programmes commissioned 2014-15
MS Word Document, 528 KB
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Percentage of males in prison convicted of rape who are Muslim
MS Word Document, 59 KB
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Equal pay cases lodged at Ashford Tribunals Service
MS Word Document, 212 KB
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Equal pay cases lodged at Ashford Tribunals Service: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 14 KB
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Subcontractors, suppliers and consultants involved in construction of a cell house block at HMP/ YOI Parc
MS Word Document, 54.5 KB
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Subcontractors, suppliers and consultants involved in contsruction of an energy centre and ash store at HMP Leyhill
MS Word Document, 52 KB
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Non molestation orders for Horsham County Court and England
MS Word Document, 60 KB
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Parties in child related private law cases in England and Wales: April 2012 to December 2013
MS Word Document, 55 KB
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Parties in child related private law cases in England and Wales: April 2012 to December 2013: table
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 32.5 KB
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What is meant by accreditation and who is the accreditation body?
MS Word Document, 81.5 KB
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How many defendants failed to appear in court in Wales 2013
MS Word Document, 47.5 KB
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How many defendants failed to appear in court in Wales 2013: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 22.5 KB
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Healthy sexual functioning programme at HMP Bullingdon and HMP Bure
MS Word Document, 75 KB
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HMCTS written criteria for cancelling fines
MS Word Document, 47.5 KB
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Council tax liability order hearings, Plymouth Magistrates Court
MS Word Document, 123 KB
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Ashford employment tribunals claims
MS Word Document, 245 KB
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Ashford employment tribunals claims: annex b
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 23.5 KB
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Employment tribunal service catagories
MS Word Document, 92.5 KB
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Employment tribunal service catagories: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 32.5 KB
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Government procurement card spend
MS Word Document, 69.5 KB
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Number of claims since 2010: Ashford tribunals
MS Word Document, 241 KB
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Monthly numbers of prisoners per prison: January 2001 to December 2013
MS Word Document, 58.5 KB
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Monthly numbers of prisoners per prison: January 2001 to December 2013: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 565 KB
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Exeter Crown Court murder trials
MS Word Document, 58 KB
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Exeter Crown Court murder trials: annex a
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 24 KB
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Children aged 10 and 11 given a caution for an indictable offence
MS Word Document, 64 KB
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Children aged 10 and 11 given a caution for an indictable offence: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 67 KB
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Prison officers by age who passed / failed annual fitness test
MS Word Document, 73 KB
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Offenders found guilty in England and Wales, by age, offence type and offence class
MS Word Document, 59.5 KB
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Offenders found guilty in England and Wales, by age, offence type and offence class: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 242 KB
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Documents showing form a subject uses when applying for personal data through section 7(9)
MS Word Document, 60.5 KB
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What does accreditation mean and who is the accreditation body for offender programmes
MS Word Document, 81.5 KB
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NOMS prison performance ranking system comparator groups
MS Word Document, 52.5 KB
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NOMS prison performance ranking system comparator groups: annex a
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 38.5 KB
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NOMS prison performance ranking system comparator groups: annex b
MS Word Document, 27.5 KB
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Recording of incidents related to mobile phones and SIM cards
MS Word Document, 71.5 KB
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Successful applications by Category A prisoners in HMP Whitemore for reduction in safeguarding
MS Word Document, 56 KB
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Data on secondary sentences
MS Word Document, 58 KB
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Data on secondary sentences: annex a
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 9.79 MB
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Dataset on rape proceedings and convictions
MS Word Document, 62 KB
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Dataset on rape proceedings and convictions: annex a
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 45 KB
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Children care orders represented by Knowles Benning
MS Word Document, 51 KB
Council tax applications: Thurrock Council
MS Word Document, 208 KB
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Caseman and Sups reports
MS Word Document, 107 KB
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Number of men and women prosecuted and convicted for loitering and soliciting since 2010 in England and Wales
MS Word Document, 67 KB
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Number of men and women prosecuted and convicted for loitering and soliciting since 2010 in England and Wales: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 24 KB
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Ashford employment tribunals claims 2012
MS Word Document, 210 KB
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Ashford employment tribunals claims 2012: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 36 KB
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Prison population England and Wales, socio economic factors
MS Word Document, 53.5 KB
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Prison population England and Wales, socio economic factors: annex a
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 10.1 KB
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Prison population England and Wales, socio economic factors: annex b
MS Word Document, 422 KB
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English prisoners in Wales
MS Word Document, 52.5 KB
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English prisoners in Wales: annex a
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 14 KB
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MOJ FOI releases for June 2014.
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