FOI releases for May 2014
FOI releases for May 2014.
- From:
- Ministry of Justice
- Published
- 13 June 2014
- Last updated
- 24 June 2014 — See all updates
Royal Prerogative of Mercy over the period since April 1997
MS Word Document, 50 KB
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Number of litigants in person appearing in family civil cases at Reading County Court
MS Word Document, 54 KB
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Number of litigants in person appearing in family civil cases at Reading County Court: annex A
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 30 KB
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Capita-TI contract spend for Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian language court translators
MS Word Document, 69 KB
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Breakdown of effective, ineffective and cracked trials
MS Word Document, 54 KB
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Breakdown of effective, ineffective and cracked trials: annex A
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 195 KB
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Employment support allowance
MS Word Document, 78.5 KB
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Employment support allowance: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 19 KB
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Immigration and asylum appeals
MS Word Document, 87 KB
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Immigration and asylum appeals: annex
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 29 KB
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No of Legal Aid Agency (LAA) staff off work due to stress
MS Word Document, 50 KB
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The number of trials that resulted in an acquittal
MS Word Document, 55 KB
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The number of trials that resulted in an acquittal: annex A
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 14 KB
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OASys assessment tool updates
MS Word Document, 51 KB
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Number of times RTA Business Consultants have used CCMCC
MS Word Document, 48.5 KB
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Convictions for 2013 to 2014
MS Word Document, 64 KB
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Knife crime disposal data by police force October to December 2013
MS Word Document, 63 KB
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Number of Legal Aid Agency staff absent due to stress
MS Word Document, 50 KB
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Number and types of confiscated weapons in UK courts from February 2012 to February 2014
MS Word Document, 52.5 KB
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Number and types of confiscated weapons in UK courts from February 2012 to February 2014: Annex A
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 7.5 KB
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Male in London prisons
MS Word Document, 59 KB
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Male in London prisons: Annex A
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 22.5 KB
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Healthy sexual functioning programmes
MS Word Document, 70 KB
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Crime and Courts Act 2013
MS Word Document, 55 KB
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HMP Dartmoor's budget
MS Word Document, 62 KB
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Guidance for warrants of entry
MS Word Document, 54.5 KB
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Guidance for warrants of entry: Annex A
MS Word Document, 36.5 KB
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Guidance for warrants of entry: Annex B
PDF, 32.5 KB, 1 page
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Number of exceptional funding cases considered under exceptional circumstances in the financial year 2013 to 2014
MS Word Document, 52 KB
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Financial penalty accounts in Kent from 2009 to 2013
MS Word Document, 53 KB
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Total number of people who are currently being paid a pension from all judicial pension schemes
MS Word Document, 56 KB
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Establishments or lodgings at which judges were accommodated in January 2014 and February 2014
MS Word Document, 89.5 KB
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County court small claims initiated from British Parking Association Approved Operator Scheme
MS Word Document, 173 KB
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CPO compensation cases
MS Word Document, 57.5 KB
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County court hearings where claimant was Parking Eye Ltd
MS Word Document, 97.5 KB
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RTA Business Consultants Ltd and CCMCC
MS Word Document, 48.5 KB
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Jury service video
MS Word Document, 40.5 KB
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Ministry of Justice FOI releases for May 2014.
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