FOI release

Request for information regarding budget, revenue and staffing at the GCA

Published 19 July 2024

7th Floor, The Cabot
25 Cabot Square
London E14 4QZ
T: +44 (0) 207 215 6537

Sent by email 16 July 2024

Freedom of Information Act: Request for information on Groceries Code Adjudicator activities

Thank you for your email of 18 June 2024 regarding budget, revenue and staffing and the GCA. You asked for the following information:

  1. Year of Creation/Launch/Establishment?

  2. Your Annual Budget for the financial year of 2022/23?

  3. Other Revenue received but not from government?

  4. Fiscal Powers: Yes/No

  5. Regulatory Powers: Yes/No

  6. Do you sponsor other Public Bodies: Yes/No, if yes who?

  7. Number of permanent staff?

  8. Number of temporary staff (including part timers)?

  9. Number of contract staff employed, (self-employed)?

General right of access to information held by public authorities

Under section 1(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 anyone making a request for information to the GCA, as a public authority, is entitled to be informed in writing whether it holds that information, and if so, to be supplied with it.

The GCA holds the information you have requested.

I have answered your questions below, providing page references where you can find further information in the GCA’s annual report for 2022/23 (“the Report”).

  1. The GCA was established in 2013 (further information on page 15 of the Report).
  2. The GCA’s total expenditure for 2022/23 was £887,360 (page 63 of the Report).
  3. The GCA is funded by a levy on the retailers that it regulates, and it may also recover reasonable costs incurred during investigations, enforcement activity or arbitrations (pages 42 and 43 of the Report).
  4. The arrangements for funding the GCA are as set out in the answer to question 3.
  5. Yes, the GCA holds regulatory powers (pages 16 and 17 of the Report).
  6. No, the GCA does not sponsor any other public bodies.
  7. Remuneration of the Adjudicator is the only permanent staff cost to the GCA. Other public bodies also second staff to the GCA. Further information about this and about questions 8 and 9 is on pages 51 to 53 of the Report.
  8. Zero
  9. One

Appeals Procedure

If you wish to complain about the way in which your request for information has been handled, you may seek an internal review by writing, setting out the reasons you feel your request has not been dealt with effectively, to:

The FOI Review Co-ordinator
Groceries Code Adjudicator
7th Floor
25 Cabot Square
E14 4QZ

Alternatively, you can email:

We will aim to deal with your Internal Review request within 20 working days of receipt or, if that is not possible, advise you of a date when we expect to complete the review.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you then have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can do this on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.