FOI release

FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 2 November 2015

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 2 November 2015.


Attachment: List of counties and employee number total

Copy of list of addresses of Regular army units

Attachment: List of addresses of Regular army units

Nationality of UK Regular forces personnel as 1 October 2014


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 2 November 2015.

Updates to this page

Published 4 November 2015
Last updated 6 November 2015 show all updates
  1. Added new FOI responses for Copy of list of addresses of Regular army units, US military personnel not on board UK submarines while operational and at sea, full terms and conditions of service for full time Reserve service (limited commitment) (naval careers service) scheme, RN plans to deploy separate 1* Commanders for the future Commander UK Carrier Strike Group (COMUKCSG) and the current Commander Amphibious Task Group (COMUKATG), number of UK armed forces and MOD civilian personnel stationed in Scotland.

  2. Added FOI responses for number of RAF personnel at RAF Northolt failed a drugs test, number of officers within the MOD Police force, copy of QRRN Article 0877, number of officers by rank, currently serving in a permanently reduced medical category, having been to NSMEB, UK armed forces personnel deaths on training and exercises by medical cuase of death, MOD volunteer service programme for studies at Porton Down, number of Regular army personnel with a registered home address by county in the UK.

  3. First published.

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