FOI release

FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 20 June 2016

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 20 June 2016.


MOD Ministers responsible for UK military helicopters

UK armed forces redundancy programme statistics

Grade and current salary of MOD Chief Medical Adviser

Expeditionary Air Wings 34, 121 and 135

Information on Dstl back office operations

Number of military fatalities and operations figures from 1990 to 2014 (Annex A)

Royal Marines Modified Command Course

MOD Police e-mail client in use and version number

MOD civilian staff awarded honours lists


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 20 June 2016.

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Published 21 June 2016
Last updated 24 June 2016 show all updates
  1. Added documents: Military fast jet aircraft authorised to fly in the Ayr, Prestwick, north Norfolk, north Devon and Berwick areas May 2016, Number and rates of UK regular untrained officers medically discharged from 2010 to 2015, Number of foreign personnel on exchange or embedded within the UK armed forces, Number of Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) officers cases of data protection breach from 2013 to 2015, Number of Royal Navy elementary flying training and operating with RAF and Army Air Corps (AAC) squadrons from 2016 to 2017 (Annex A), MOD civilian staff awarded honours lists, Decent home standard (DHS) of Combined accommodation assessment system (CAAS) report (Annex A), Combined accommodation assessment system (CAAS) home condition standard (Annex A and B), Service families accommodation (SFA) complaints response report, Copy of a combined accommodation assessment system (CAAS) assessment survey (Annex A and B), Contract to provide substitute accommodation for military service personnel awarded to Mears group 22 December 2015, Contract awarded to Mears group to provide substitute single service accommodation for military service personnel serving in London, Contract award agreement between MOD and VSM Estate for disposal of military sites in London.

  2. Added documents: Information of MOD Civil Servants and councillors take part local political freedom or restricted groups, Malta pension scheme (MPS) paid to LEP’s living in Malta plus continue RAF service after 1979 from 2011 to 2015, Information on Senior Civil Servant (SCS) Chief of Defence grade and pay bands, Request Military Police Investigative Doctrine Chapter 43 – Royal Military Police complaints policy, Attachment: Military Police Investigative Doctrine Chapter 43 – Royal Military Police complaints policy, Ministry of Defence expenditure under a broad category of PR services, Information on sale of Surplus MOD equipment, Request of extracts draft minutes meetings to protocol MOD research ethnics committee (REC), Attachment: Extracts of draft minutes meeting to protocol 465/MOD research ethnics committee (REC) 3 September 2013, Attachment: Extracts of draft minutes meeting to protocol 465/MOD research ethnics committee (REC) 8 October 2013, Attachment: Extracts of draft minutes meeting to protocol team dynmanics 552/MOD research ethnics committee (REC) 1 July 2014, Attachment: Extracts of draft minutes meeting to protocol team dynmanics 552/MOD research ethnics committee (REC) 3 June 2014, Expeditionary Air Wings 34, 121 and 135, Information of Dstl back office operations, PEC scores report from 2015 to 2016, Service Complaints and “Red Flag” cases complaints Service Ombudsman (SCO) reports from 2013 to 2015, Number of military fatalities and operations figures from 1990 to 2014 (Annex A), Warships Visiting Falkland Islands from 2006 to 2016 (Annex A), Royal Marines Modified Command Course, Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) E-mail client Force uses and the version number, Number of Iraqi cadets trained in Britain from 1992 to 1988 plus 5 Iraqi officers staff training 1970 and 1980

  3. First published.

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