FOI release

FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 9 November 2015

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 9 November 2015.


Copy of the Army list 2014

Attachment: Afghanistan claims 2014 to 2015

Attachment: Area claims officer Iraq data table

Tail number of the Red Arrows aircraft

Areas of land which are MOD owned, leased or controlled

Extension of MOD contract with Biffa for waste management services at UK RAF stations

Number of MOD owned long term unoccupied dwellings


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 9 November 2015.

Updates to this page

Published 11 November 2015
Last updated 13 November 2015 show all updates
  1. Added new FOI responses for copy of MOD's contracts relating to facilities management for property and building services maintenance, cleaning and janitorial, security and catering services, breakdown of costs for the decanting of the Sweets Way Estate, Whetstone, Barnet, areas of land which are MOD owned, leased or controlled, cost for training Libyan troops at Bassinbourne Barracks, Cambridgeshire, extension of MOD contract with Biffa for waste management services, cost of the new HQ for 2 FTS at RAF Syerston, mOD prevention of public access to the Fauld crater, Staffordshire, SFA tenants right to buy and and plans for the SFA house in Brockenhurst, near HMS Sultan, number of MOD owned long term unoccupied dwellings.

  2. Added new FOI responses for number of activists associated with the Faslane peace camp arrested by MOD Police, total MOD paid out in compensation payments to civilian national, UK service personnel and their families as a result of conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, no studies undertaken on any animal species that involved exposure to the Ebola virus, copy of the naval service internal review Op Telemeter, no damage to HMS Active or HMS Sirius due to sea water ingress, number of diagnosed cases and any increase of ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel diseases and chron's disease, contact information for making a complaint regarding a recent application to the join the RAF, request for full disclosure of the Professional Standards Unit investigation carried out in the Joint Provost Unit in HMS Rooke Gibraltar, number of individual camouflage pattern produced for the PECOC trials, MOD spend on the SA8O assault rifle or equivalent, number of employment tribunal claims that included race descrimination 2009 to 2015, tail number of the Red Arrows aircraft, average pass rate on the RMs ML training courses, statistics for injuries sustained for frontline troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  3. First published.

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