FOI release

FOI responses released by MOD: week commencing 10 June 2019

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 10 June 2019.


Request regarding the numbers for suicide with the British Military Veterans

Number of British children sent to Afghanistan and Iraq since 2007

Number of regular personnel from Commonwealth countries who left the Armed Forces

Information regarding the number of MOD personnel currently based in Scotland

Information regarding who owns the housing at RAF Scampton

Body armour booklet

Information regarding a section of MOD's accounting manual

Army equipment support publication

Information regarding the sale of Hyde Park barracks

Information regarding MOD Lyneham base solar plant

Number of service personnel based in Scotland on differing pay scales

Total number of military and civilian personnel working in Scotland as of 1 April 2019

Number of MOD military and civilian personnel stationed in Scotland as of January 2019


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 10 June 2019.

Updates to this page

Published 24 June 2019
Last updated 22 July 2019 show all updates
  1. Added FOIs: 'Request regarding the numbers for suicide with the British Military Veterans' and 'Information regarding how many black and ethnic minority (BME) are in the British Armed Forces (BAF) and how many BME serving are from Commonwealth counties and their religious groups or ethnic origins from 2013 to 2018'.

  2. Removed file 'Information regarding the numbers of suicides with british military veterans'.

  3. Removed file 'Numbers of personnel from the British, Asian and minority ethnic communities serving in the military'.

  4. First published.

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