FOI release

FOI responses released by MOD: week commencing 15 September 2014

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 15 September 2014.


Breaches of the armed forces code of social conduct


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 15 September 2014.

Updates to this page

Published 15 September 2014
Last updated 19 September 2014 show all updates
  1. Added 3 new FOI responses for BAME Diversity, Emergency Personal Locator Beacon tender and army recruitment in Dorset.

  2. Added new FOI response regarding nationalities in the services not from Great Britain.

  3. Added new FOI responses for PECs appeals, Junior entry soldiers, service leavers, Royal Engineers and Welsh Guards.

  4. Added new FOI responses regarding UFOs and Senior Medical Adviser job details,

  5. First published.

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