FOI responses released by MOD: week commencing 18 August 2014
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 18 August 2014.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 18 August 2014.
Updates to this page
Added attachment of the Queen's regulations for the Royal Navy.
Added Queen's regulations for the army as an attachment.
Added correctly redacted version of the the Driving Standards Agency conducting driving tests.
Added responses for MOD Driving Standards Agency conducting driving tests and Copy of Air Publication (AP) 3392 volume 4 leaflets 1304 and 1305.
Added 5 FOI responses about claims under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and War Pension Scheme, number of armed forces personnel with hearing loss.
Added FOI responses about number of recorded UKHO home pages visits, cost of lost or stolen equipment from MOD establishments, cost of MOD consultants and information on career progression for NCO pilots in the Army Air Corps.
Added FOI responses about procedural changes in security checks for potential army recruits, number of complaints against male commanders of Royal Navy warships, BFPO numbers used in Afghanistan and rates of convictions for fruad within the armed forces.
First published.