FOI release

FOI responses released by MOD: week commencing 20 July 2015

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 20 July 2015


MOD Phoenix fleet contract and its replacement Phoenix II

The Cadet Force (CF) 2020 Programme

Attachment: Discipline and General Legal Issues

Attachment: Discipline and General Legal Issues

Attachment: Discipline Summary Hearings

Attachment: Volume 2 Chapter 67: Administration Action

Burlington Underground Facility and Corsham Underground

Clinical trials sponsored by Dstl at Porton Down

Information on multinational force and observers sinai

Attachment: Email sent 14 August 2014 11:38

Attachment: Email sent 21 April 2015 15:17

Attachment: Email sent 14 October 2014 09:35

Attachment: Widows pension for life

Attachment: The Queen's Regulations for the Army

Attachment: Recruit suitability assessment

MOD and trade unions recognition and staff associations

Homelessness of service veterans

Entry in the death register for Henry Leonard Norrish

Statistics for recruits leaving the service

Foreign visits made by the Royal Navy

Information on the relocation plans of HMS Cambria

Ships names and badges committee for last 100 years

Royal Navy short notice tasks

HM Navy Base Portsmouth and HMS Sultan incursions

Copies of T124 agreements

Information about the Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS)


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 20 July 2015.

Updates to this page

Published 21 July 2015
Last updated 9 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Added watermarked versions of attachments for FOI2015/04544. JSP 898 is superseded by JSP 822.

  2. Added new FOI responses - Information on military personnel with a place of birth recorded as a location in Herefordshire who have died in military service since the end of World War 2, Number of widows/widowers pensions paid under the Armed Forces Pension Scheme which relinquished due to remarriage or cohabitation, Aggregated total number of managed moves or posts rotations, formal grievance complaints, bullying and harassment, misconduct or discipline and suspensions, number of cases where an assisting officer was identified, Business appointments applications were approved subject to a 2 year waiting period, Personnel leaving the forces and resettling in Tyne and Wear or Sunderland, Cost of Long Service and Good Conduct (LS&GC) medals, including ribbon and box as at 2 June 2015, Number of business appointment applications processed and approved during the 13 month period starting 01 December 2013, Number of civilian business appointment applications 31 May 2013 to 1 June 2015.

  3. Removed Details of the Soft FM/Multi Activity Contract for Oman (Mussanah Air Base) - FOI2015/02255 as not required to be published. Added new FOI responses - Information on Multinational Force and Observers Sinai, Change in policy to pensions awarded to armed forces spouses and civil partners, Armed forces policy prevents enlistment of under 16 years of age, Information on the proposed new long service medal for regular armed forces, Request for a copy of the internal review of the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations that took place between August and December 2014, Number of individuals listed on the violent and Sexual Offender Register (SOR) that are currently serving in the armed forces, Details of spend with external recruitment agencies and head-hunters by calender year, The Ministry of Defence does not operate Trade Union recognition based on geographical part of its estate, No remuneration are received in respect of the appointment of personal Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty the Queen, The armed forces pensions are non contributory, no deductions are taken from salary to fund contributions, Total expenditure for the university service units during the 2013 to 2014 financial year, Information concerning the welfare of veterans and Current policy, rules and guidance: Whistleblowing and Raising a Concern, Entry in the death register for Henry Leonard Norrish which shows he drowned accidentally, Golden Hello for Direct Graduate Entry relating to Royal Navy Engineering Officer entrants, 2008 to 2010, Principle of Surface Artefact Collection, Statistics for recruits leaving the service, Statistics: Royal Marine Officers conversion from Initial Commission, Statistics for Royal Navy (Fleet Air Arm) Pilot Branch as New Entrant, Foreign visits made by the Royal Navy, Information on plans for HMS CAMBRIA, Navy Command IT Dept spend on recruitment agency staff 2014, Ships Names Committee for last 100 years, Royal Navy short notice tasks, Speech delivered on behalf of First Sea Lord at IMDEX Exhibition in Singapore, Psychological Evaluations, HMNB Portsmouth and HMS Sultan incursions, Court Martial details held by the National Archive and how to contact them and Copies of T124 agreements, Details of all Defence locations with refuelling points on site, Military photographers seconded to the Cabinet Office and tasked with taking photographs of Cabinet Ministers, including the Prime Minister and Role of 'Commander Personnel and Support Command' and 'Standing Joint Force Commander', Number of positions within MOD located in Greater London, Service personnel who served on Op MAIDENLY 15 July 200 and Op BARRAS 10 September 2000, and were discharged prior to the institution of the Operational Service Medal Sierra Leone with Rosette on 21 June 2002, would still be entitled to claim it, Information about the Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS), Number of inheritance tax exemption certificates applied for in the last 2 years and the number of applications refused, Name of financial accounting software system used in the Ministry of Defence, date of purchase, cost of supporting and maintaining it in the last finacial year and number of staff involved in the internal support, Lump sum payments awarded and total compensation paid for mental disorders under the AFCS to those who previously deployed to Afghanistan, financial years 2012/13 and 2013/14, Number of awards made where the claimed condition referred to the words "exposure and radiation and follicular lymphoma between 1 February 1985 and 31 March 2014 and Information on the excavation of the Gravesend Hurricane and F/S Williams.

  4. Added new FOI response - Dstl area bounded by Manor Farm Road, Blackburn Road and Winterslow Road, Porton not used as experimental land.

  5. Added new FOI responses - The Cadet Force (CF) 2020 Programme, Presentation provided by Navy Legal Discipline Law to the Commanding Designated Course, Documentation relating to consultation between the MOD and the Scottish Government regarding the proposed Fallago Rig Extension, Land Quality Assessment prepared in connection with the disposal of the Army Base Storage and Distribution Agency (ABSDA) Sub-Depot at Old Dalby Leicestershire, Details of the Soft FM/Multi Activity Contract for Oman (Mussanah Air Base), Unused IPv4 and IPv6 addresses held or sold within the last six months, Provider of MOD's standard broadband services and the number of sites with a WAN presence, Information relating to outsourced services such as service desk, desktop support, infrastructure support and service management, Contract information regarding MOD's telephone system maintenance contract for hardware and software maintenance and support, The number, total duration and cost of calls to the speaking clock and directory enquiries from MOD telephone networks, 2010 to 2015, Information security policies, codes of practice and guidance developed by MOD since January 2004, Burlington Underground Facility and Corsham Underground, Information relating to the Yeovilton Gem Repair and Maintenance Contracts, Request for a copy of JSP 898: Defence Direction and Guidance on Training, Education and Skills, Part 1 and 2, Service Inquiry: accident involving Tornado ZD743 and Tornado ZD812 over Moray Firth, List of serious incidents involving ScanEagle, Hermes 450, Watchkeeper and MQ-9 Reapers since 2000, Clinical trials sponsored by Dstl at Porton Down and Information about the Ministry of Defence contracts with Grundon Waste Management Limited between 07 February 2005 and 31 August 2011.

  6. Report of research project in the late 1990s, MOD Phoenix fleet contract, number of persons aged 65 and over reported for sexual offences, redundancy packages paid out to MOD Police employees.

  7. First published.

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