Corporate report

Forensic Information Databases annual report 2023 to 2024 (accessible)

Updated 11 October 2024

Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 63AB(8) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

October 2024

Chair of the Strategy Board’s Foreword

I am very pleased to be able to present this report as Chair of the Forensic Information Databases (FIND) Strategy Board for the period 1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024.

The fundamental importance of fingerprints and DNA in solving crimes is illustrated within the report, with the key role that these biometrics have in bringing offenders to justice, keeping the public safe and preventing harm to potential future victims.

The overall DNA match rate, following the loading of a crime scene profile to the National DNA Database (NDNAD), was 64.8% in 2023/24, demonstrating the continuing effectiveness of the NDNAD as a vital and effective tool in policing investigations. In this year’s report there is also useful data presented for this match rate within the context of all recorded crime.

I am delighted that further connections have been made between the UK and EU Member States for the international exchange of biometrics under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (formerly the Prüm exchange) in 2023/24; there are now live connections to 21 countries for fingerprints and 25 countries for DNA. Case examples within the report demonstrate the real value of matches generated from this exchange in aiding criminal investigations internationally.

There have been enhancements to missing persons services this year, with the introduction of the retention of DNA profiles from those buried at sea and linking missing persons’ profiles internationally on the Interpol I-Familia database, a global database for identifying missing persons through DNA kinship matching. This will assist in future missing person and unidentified body investigations. There was also guidance released to enable families, who believe they have lost family members in the War in Ukraine, to work with the International Commission on Missing Persons, who facilitate DNA sampling to help identify a missing relative through relationship testing.

FINDS has also continued to work with the Forensic Capability Network (FCN) on the development of a UK Y-chromosome (male specific) reference database. This database will enhance the UK’s capability to investigate sexual and other serious offences where male DNA is often masked, thus supporting the national strategy on investigating rape and serious sexual offences and reducing violence against women and girls.

B D Snuggs KPM

Deputy Chief Constable

National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Chair of the Forensic Information Databases Strategy Board

1. The National DNA Database (NDNAD)

April 2023 to March 2024:

  • 7,226,795 subject profile records retrained, approximately 17% are duplicate profiles
  • 688,054 crime scene profile records retained
  • 146,080 subject profile records deleted
  • 7,004 crime scene records deleted
  • 64.8% match rate between crime scene and subject DNA profiles on loading crime scene profiles
  • 2.9% match rate between crime scene and crime scene upon loading
  • 14 labs authorised to load profile records to NDNAD
  • 6,949 records on vulnerable persons DNA database
  • 28 missing persons identifications

1.1 About NDNAD

1.1.1 Introduction

NDNAD was established in 1995. It holds electronic records of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), known as profile records, taken from individuals and crime scenes, and provides the police with matches linking an individual to a crime scene or a crime scene to another crime scene. Between April 2001 and March 2024, it produced 821,794 matches to unsolved crimes, an average of 35,730 per year.

1.2 Who is on NDNAD?

1.2.1 Number of profile records held on and deleted from NDNAD

As at 31st March 2024, NDNAD held 7,226,795 subject profile records and 688,054 crime scene profile records. The number of subject records held on the NDNAD is shown in Figure 1. In the Financial Year 2023/24, 327,709 new subject DNA profile records were loaded to NDNAD, together with 24,240 new crime scene DNA profile records. Figures 2a and 2b show the number of profile records loaded to the NDNAD per year. Table 1 shows the breakdown of crime scene records loaded in 2023/24 by offence type.

Some individuals have more than one profile on NDNAD. This can occur where the police force chooses to load another record or where an individual is sampled twice under different names. Approximately 17%[footnote 1] of the DNA profile records on NDNAD are duplicates of an individual already sampled. Allowing for these duplicates, the number of individuals on NDNAD as at 31st March 2024 was 6,031,139.

In 2023/24 146,080 subject DNA profile records were deleted from NDNAD. This includes 410 under the Deletion of Records from National Police Systems’ guidance. Additionally, 7,004 crime scene DNA profile records were deleted; with the Strategy Board ‘Access and Use’ policy defining criteria for removal - including records from detected crimes or records that have been sourced to victims of offences.

Figure 1: Number of subject profile DNA records held on NDNAD (in millions) (2014/15 to 2023/24)

Figure 2a: Number of subject profile DNA records loaded onto NDNAD per year (in thousands) (2014/15 – 2023/24) [footnote 2] [footnote 3]

Figure 2b: Number of crime scene DNA profile records loaded onto NDNAD per year (in thousands) (2014/15 – 2023/24)

Table 1: Number of crime scene DNA profile records loaded by crime type (2023/24)[footnote 4]

Crime type Number of crime scene profile records loaded Proportion of total number of crime scene profile records loaded (%)
Burglary (including aggravated) 10,833 44.7%
Vehicle Crime 4,117 17.0%
Drugs 1,748 7.2%
Violent Crime 1,231 5.1%
Criminal Damage 1,192 4.9%
Robbery 869 3.6%
Rape 585 2.4%
Murder, manslaughter, and attempted murder 534 2.2%
Firearms 527 2.2%
Traffic (including fatal) 503 2.1%
Theft 371 1.5%
Abduction and Kidnapping 150 0.6%
Other sexual offences 138 0.6%
Arson / fire investigations 134 0.6%
Public Order 59 0.2%
Fraud 36 0.2%
Blackmail 5 0.0%
Explosives 5 0.0%
Other 1,203 5.0%
Total 24,240 100.0%

1.2.2 Geographical origin of subject profile records on NDNAD

NDNAD holds profile records from all UK police forces (as well as the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) but only profile records belonging to England and Wales forces are subject to the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA)[footnote 5]. Scotland and Northern Ireland also maintain separate DNA databases; however, due to the likelihood of offenders moving between UK nations, profile records loaded to these databases are also loaded to NDNAD.

Table 2: Number of subject and crime scene DNA profile records retained on NDNAD by nation (as at 31st March 2024) [footnote 6]

Nation Subject profile records Crime scene profile records TOTAL
England[footnote 7] 6,156,004 627,573 6,783,577
Scotland 397,911 20,726 418,637
Wales 406,067 28,577 434,644
Northern Ireland 218,868 8,369 227,237
Other[footnote 8] 47,945 2,809 50,754
Total 7,226,795 688,054 7,914,849

1.2.3 Sex, age, and ethnicity of individuals on NDNAD

The vast majority of subject profile records held on NDNAD come from people who have been arrested for an offence, so the composition is different from that of the general population. For example, only half the UK population is male, but the majority of DNA profile records belong to men, because the majority of those arrested were male[footnote 9].

Figure 3a: Proportion of subject DNA profile records on NDNAD by sex (as at 31st March 2024) [footnote 10] [footnote 11]

Figure 3b: Number of subject DNA profile records on NDNAD by ethnicity, as determined by the sampling officer (as at 31st March 2024)[footnote 12]

Figure 3c: Number of subject DNA profile records by age at time of loading onto NDNAD (as at 31st March 2024) [footnote 13]

This data is published quarterly on NDNAD web page on[footnote 14]. The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10. There were 37 profiles retained from subjects aged under 10 on NDNAD, all of these being generated from samples taken from ‘vulnerable persons’ (an individual who was believed to have the potential to come to harm and / or go missing) and were loaded with appropriate consent and authorisation for retention and searching on the NDNAD.[footnote 15]

1.3 How many crimes does NDNAD help solve?

1.3.1 Introduction

NDNAD matches crime scene DNA profile records against subject DNA profile records and other crime scene DNA profile records, providing the police with invaluable information that helps them to identify possible suspects and solve crimes (albeit that a DNA profile match in itself is not usually sufficient to secure a conviction, so not every DNA profile match will lead to a crime being solved or a successful conviction).

Considering the contribution of the NDNAD in the wider context of all recorded crime, figure 4 and table 3 below gives the percentage of NDNAD matches generated through the routine searching of crime scene profiles against the full set of recorded crime data from 2023/24.[footnote 16]

It must be noted that actual offence categories do differ between those available on the NDNAD and the recorded crime figures, with FINDS aligning these as closely as possible for the purposes of comparison. Also noted is the incomplete geographical alignment between the NDNAD and recorded crime datasets, with the NDNAD figures relating to all Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), and recorded crime figures being solely England & Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (i.e. excluding non-territorial forces[footnote 17]).

Figure 4: Number of NDNAD matches for crime scenes loaded in 2023/24 as a percentage of all recorded crime

Table 3: Number of NDNA matches for crime scenes loaded in 2023/24 as a percentage of all recorded crime

Crime type All recorded crime NDNAD matches % all crime with NDNAD match
Violent Crime 1,369,489 1,199 0.10%
Fraud 1,282,689 27 0.00%
Theft 1,192,376 350 0.00%
Other 833,208 1,030 0.10%
Public Order 560,192 49 0.00%
Criminal Damage 559,094 1,261 0.20%
Vehicle Crime 390,073 3,669 0.90%
Burglary (including aggravated) 279,061 8,764 3.10%
Drugs 215,637 1,441 0.70%
Other sexual offences 136,253 115 0.10%
Robbery 83,473 824 1.00%
Rape 71,631 536 0.80%
Blackmail 39,058 3 0.00%
Arson / fire investigations 27,221 128 0.50%
Abduction and Kidnapping 8,569 138 1.60%
Traffic (including fatal) 7,193 470 6.50%
Firearms 6,599 427 6.50%
Unclassified 3,457[footnote 18] N/A N/A
Murder, manslaughter, and attempted murder 1,769 440 24.90%
Explosives N/A 10[footnote 19] N/A
Total 7,067,042 20,881 0.3%

1.3.2 Types of searches

i. Routine loading and searching

Samples are usually profiled, and the DNA profile records are then loaded to NDNAD for routine searching. Routine matches are made from DNA profile records loaded to NDNAD; the breakdown for these matches shown in Table 5 below.

ii. Non-routine searches

In order for a DNA profile to be uploaded to NDNAD, it must consist of a minimum of four pairs of numbers and a sex marker (for crime scene DNA profile records) and a full profile[footnote 20] (for subject profile records). Where this criterion is not met, for crime scene DNA records, it is nonetheless possible to carry out a non-routine search of NDNAD; the breakdown for these matches shown in Table 5 below.

iii. Familial searches

In cases where the police have found the perpetrator’s DNA at the crime scene, but they do not have a profile on NDNAD, a search of the database, known as a ‘familial search’, can be carried out to look for possible close relatives (parents, children, or siblings) of the perpetrator. All such searches require the approval of the FIND Strategy Board chair or their nominee. A total of 22 familial searches were carried out in 2023/24.

1.3.3 Match rate

i. Overall match rates

In 2023/24, the chance that a crime scene DNA profile, once loaded onto NDNAD, matched against a subject DNA profile stored on the NDNAD was 64.8%. Figure 5 shows the yearly match rate on loading a crime scene DNA profile to the NDNAD.

These do not include crime scene DNA profiles that match another crime scene on loading, or where a DNA profile was deleted in the same month as it was loaded.

Further DNA profile matches will occur when a new subject DNA profile is added to NDNAD and matches to a crime scene DNA profile already on the database. As at 31st March 2024, there were 220,690 crime scene DNA profile records on NDNAD that had not yet been matched. The crimes relating to these crime scenes might be solved if the perpetrator’s DNA was taken and their DNA profile added to NDNAD. Every individual who is arrested will have their DNA profile searched against existing crime scene DNA profiles on NDNAD, even if their profile is subsequently deleted.

Figure 5: Match rate on loading a crime scene profile (2014/15 to 2023/24) [footnote 21]

ii. Number of matches

In 2023/24, NDNAD produced 20,881 routine crime scene to subject DNA profile matches, including to 440 homicides[footnote 22] and 536 rapes; the percentage breakdown of matches is shown in Figure 6 and the offence breakdown of these matches is shown in Table 4. It provided 1,187 crime scene to crime scene matches (this information is useful in helping to identify serial offenders). It also provided 4,356 matches following a non- routine search. A large number of the non-routine searches will produce a partial match. Although a partial match has less evidential value than a full match, it can nonetheless provide the police with useful intelligence about a crime. The offence breakdown of these non-routine searches can be seen in Table 5.

Figure 6: Crime Scene to Subject Matches by Crime Type (2023/24)

Table 4: Number of routine crime scene to subject matches made by crime type (2023/24) [footnote 23] [footnote 24]

Crime Matches
Burglary (including aggravated) 8,764
Vehicle Crime 3,669
Drugs 1,441
Criminal Damage 1,261
Violent Crime 1,199
Robbery 824
Rape 536
Traffic (including fatal) 470
Murder, manslaughter, and attempted murder 440
Firearms 427
Theft 350
Abduction and Kidnapping 138
Arson / fire investigations 128
Other sexual offences 115
Public Order 49
Fraud 27
Explosives 10
Blackmail 3
Other 1,030
Total 20,881

Table 5: Number of non-routine search matches made by crime type (2023/24)

Crime Searches Matches Matches (%)
Fraud 3 3 100.0%
Public Order 14 14 100.0%
Blackmail 1 1 100.0%
Explosives 1 1 100.0%
Abduction and Kidnapping 35 33 94.3%
Robbery 241 226 93.8%
Violent Crime 213 197 92.5%
Criminal Damage 77 71 92.2%
Traffic (including fatal) 38 35 92.1%
Burglary (including aggravated) 1,449 1,330 91.8%
Vehicle Crime 417 378 90.7%
Other sexual offences 123 110 89.4%
Drugs 408 364 89.2%
Theft 40 35 87.5%
Firearms 225 194 86.2%
Arson / fire investigations 36 31 86.1%
Rape 465 390 83.9%
Murder, manslaughter and attempted murder 326 208 63.8%
Other 1,821 735 40.4%
#Total 5,933 4,356 73.4%

1.3.4 Timing of first subject match to a crime scene DNA profile

The time interval between the first subject match to an existing NDNAD retained crime scene can potentially be indicative of the status of the match type, for example:

  • An ‘investigation match’ – where the subject is under active investigation, or a person of interest, for the offence and where the time interval between the crime scene to subject DNA profile loads to the NDNAD may be minimal; and
  • A ‘cold hit’, where the subject to crime scene linkage is first made by a NDNAD match (i.e. in the absence of any prior investigative leads), where the time interval could stretch to many years.

An initial analysis of the time intervals for the NDNAD matches generated in 2023-24 was undertaken. The only matches eligible for inclusion were those for which the crime scene first matched to a subject record in 2023-24 and had not been deleted or eliminated through scientific checks when the analysis took place[footnote 25]. The results are below in Figures 7 and 8.

Figure 7: Timing for match to a crime scene profile (on loading subject profiles between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024) – serious crime

Figure 8: Timing for match to a crime scene profile (on loading subject profiles between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024) – volume crime

1.3.5 Outcomes

The number of offenders convicted with the help of DNA evidence is not recorded; however, DNA evidence has been found to be significant[footnote 26] in the conviction of the perpetrators of many serious crimes. There is well-established domestic positive impact of NDNAD matches yielding viable intelligence to police forces, such as the following case example:

Case 1 – Derbyshire Constabulary: A career burglar was jailed after his DNA was found on a jewellery box from a Derby home. The suspect initially denied burgling several properties within a two-week period in September 2023; items stolen included jewellery, cash and bank cards, a brand-new iPhone, a wedding ring, and Apple AirPods. Following his arrest, initially the suspect refused to enter a plea, but after the DNA match put him at the scene of one of the crimes, he pleaded guilty to all offences. He was sentenced at Derby Crown Court on 16th May 2024 where he was handed a three-year prison sentence.

Along with domestic cases assisted, the intelligence provided through the international sharing of biometrics is significant, with the following case examples demonstrating this in 2023/24:

Case 2 - Hungary: Prüm exchange identified a match between a UK police investigation into a stabbing which resulted in the death of the victim, with the offence taking place in the context of a drug deal. The crime scene DNA profile was retained on the NDNAD. The perpetrator was unknown, but a hair was left at the scene. The National Crime Agency (NCA) engaged with Hungarian counterparts following a Prüm DNA match and provided UK Police with subject details linked to the hair left at the scene. The individual was known in Hungary for misuse of drugs and money laundering.

Case 3 - Canada: INTERPOL exchange for a murder committed in Canada where a dispute at a restaurant escalated into violence with fatal consequences. DNA was taken from glasses used by those involved in the violence/murder. This DNA matched on the NDNAD and on this basis the NCA provided an intelligence product to Canada naming a subject and providing UK based historic offences of violence against the person and possession of an imitation firearm.

Case 4 - Sweden: A subject DNA profile sent from Sweden as part of the Prüm exchange concerning a time critical case as the subject had been arrested for possession of firearms and an explosive device (bomb). Matches were generated to armed robberies in the UK and providing an intelligence product naming a subject known for robbery, theft, and violent offences against the person.

1.4 Missing and Vulnerable Persons Databases

In order to separate DNA profile records for individuals who have been arrested, from records for missing persons and vulnerable people (which are given with consent), there are separate databases for missing and vulnerable persons.

1.4.1 Missing Persons DNA Database (MPDD)

The MPDD holds DNA profile records obtained from the belongings of people who have gone missing or from their close relatives (who will have similar DNA). If an unidentified body is found that matches the description of a missing person, DNA can be taken from the body and compared to the relevant record on the MPDD to see if there is a match. This assists with police investigations and helps to bring closure for the family of the missing person. Profile records on the MPDD are not held on NDNAD.

As at 31st March 2024, there were 2,335 records on the MPDD. In 23/24, the MPDD produced 28 matches[footnote 27].

1.4.3   Vulnerable Persons DNA Database (VPDD)

The VPDD holds the DNA profile records of people who are at risk (or who consider themselves at risk) of harm (for instance due to child sexual exploitation or honour- based assault) and have asked for their profile to be added. If the person subsequently goes missing, their profile can also be checked against NDNAD to see if they match to any biological material (such as blood or an unidentified body found at a crime scene) helping the police to investigate their disappearance. The taking of fingerprints and DNA samples is a key protective measure advised by NPCC guidance. This is aimed at addressing identification issues in potential investigations and to protect potential victims from serious acts of violence, abduction, and homicide.[footnote 28]

As at 31st March 2024, there were 6,949[footnote 29] records on the VPDD, 12 of these records are searchable on the NDNAD, following approval from the DNA Strategy Board.

There are two distinct datasets with the VPDD relating to the version[footnote 30] of the consent form signed by the person who was DNA sampled; the specific consent given defines the scope of searching that takes place as a standard database activity:

  • V 1-3 consent – all unidentified bodies/parts’ DNA profiles submitted to the MPDD will be speculatively searched against these records on load and then quarterly afterwards.
  • V 4+ consent – automatically searched against all unidentified bodies/parts’ DNA profiles retained on the NDNAD.

The numbers of searches cross searching DNA databases, and resultant matches, is set out in table 6 below.

On the basis of a generated match, the purpose of the searching relates to:

  • Identification of a deceased individual;
  • To provide potential intelligence for the investigation of an offence, the detection for this providing safeguarding for further individuals who may otherwise have come to harm; and
  • For safeguarding for the individual sampled as a vulnerable person - where crime scene material (e.g. blood is searched (rather than a body/parts)).

Table 6: Number of database searches of vulnerable persons’ records

Search regime No. profiles searched (or retained) No. matches to vulnerable persons
All MPDD retained unidentified bodies and unidentified alive individuals searched vs. the VPDD (consent v1-3) 302[footnote 31] 0
All NDNAD retained unidentified bodies searched vs. the VPDD (consent v4) – standard NDNAD search regime 262[footnote 32] 0
MPDD retained only unidentified bodies (not loadable to the NDNAD) searched vs. the VPDD (consent v4) 25 0
Speculative search of the VPDD[footnote 33] (consent v1-4) for crime stain records (UK and International) relating to high-risk potential – including modern slavery and Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE) 0 0
International unidentified body searches vs. the VPDD (consent v1-4) 67 0

1.5 Contamination Elimination Database

As of 1st April 2024:

  • 2,966 potential contamination events identified
  • 2,494 crime stain profile records removed from the NDNAD

FINDS administers a Contamination Elimination Database (CED) from which regular, national searches of crime stain profile records submitted to the NDNAD are checked against elimination profile records. These elimination profiles are generated from DNA samples provided by police officers and police staff, and from other individuals with potential to introduce contamination into the DNA supply chain, such as staff employed in DNA sampling and processing. This searching allows identification of those results relating to contamination (rather than the crime scene material actually sampled) for further integrity investigation to establish whether the DNA profile should be deleted from the NDNAD.

On load to the CED, a check is made for matches against all newly submitted crime scene profile records added to the NDNAD. Following any necessary quality assurance checks by the Forensic Service Providers (FSPs) which processed the crime scene DNA sample, matches are investigated by police forces. Any crime scene DNA profile records concluded to originate from contamination by, for example, police officers or police staff, are then deleted from NDNAD. As at 1st April 2024, 2,966 potential contamination events had been identified for investigation. Forces have been investigating these matches and 2,725 have been concluded resulting in the removal of 2,494 crime stain profile records from the NDNAD[footnote 34]. As LEAs conclude their investigations the number of crime stain records deleted from the NDNAD is expected to increase.

DNA profile records taken from serving police officers and police staff are retained for elimination purposes for 12 months after they leave a police force (except where they transfer to another force)59. In line with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), DNA samples will be destroyed within 6 months of the sample being taken.

The Police Elimination Database (PED) was a legacy database used for intelligence purposes, to identify potential contamination incidents; where a police force suspected that a crime scene sample may have been contaminated with DNA from a police officer or police staff, they could request that a direct comparison was made of DNA obtained from the crime scene against the PED profile. Following agreement at the March 2023 FIND Strategy Board, and intense activities with police forces to ensure that all eligible records were transferred to the Contamination Elimination Database (CED), the PED was formally decommissioned on 4th August 2023, with the remaining records contained being deleted and the IT system taken offline.

1.6 Technology and business process developments on National DNA Databases in 2023/24

The NDNAD and MPDD are regularly adapted to incorporate new developments in technology and operational needs. This involves significant work in developing and testing these changes to ensure they meet the necessary standards. The Home Office also responds to any scientific and technological developments that could impact on its effectiveness.

1.6.1 Home Office Biometrics Programme

The Home Office Biometrics Programme (HOB) is a programme in the Government Major Projects Portfolio. HOB is delivering changes and improvements to biometrics matching and identification services for the UK. The HOB Programme focuses on three biometric modes: fingerprints, DNA, and facial matching. These services enable the capture, authentication, verification, searching and matching of individuals’ biometrics and forensics for the purposes of identifying criminal offenders, protecting the border, and preventing terrorism.

HOB continued to support the NDNAD application and platform in 2023/24, with security updates and functionality enhancements to the NDNAD delivered on a quarterly basis.

1.6.2 NDNAD enhancements 2023/24

Three significant enhancements took place for the NDNAD and containing IT environment in 2023/24:

  1. Provision of access to NDNAD outputs to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). A dedicated law enforcement function within MHRA leads interventions to tackle the most serious criminal threats to the public from the illegal sale and supply of medicines and medical devices. As part of these activities, materials retrieved from crime scenes can yield DNA profiles suitable for search and retention on the NDNAD. In May 2023, a tri-partite Memorandum of Understanding was put in place and NDNAD configuration changes completed which allow provision of NDNAD match reports directly to the MHRA.

  2. The release for HOB Virtual Desktop (HVD). An infrastructure change for how FINDS access the NDNAD and related data assets was successfully delivered in November 2023.

  3. The re-platforming of the CED took place in February 2024, with the CED being migrated to HVD as a fully supported environment from which further CED development can take place.

1.6.2 MPDD enhancements 2023/24

Two significant enhancements took place for the MPDD in 2023/24:

1. Burials at Sea

The Marine Management Organisation (part of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA) has changed their licensing conditions for human burials at sea for the sea burial site at The Needles off the Isle of Wight.

From October 2023, those who wish a sea burial will have DNA extracted from the body prior to them being laid to rest in this designated site, with the resultant DNA profile to be retained on the MPDD. This follows a number of cases over many years where body parts have been washed ashore on the Isle of Wight. In future, if body parts are found, they will be matched and identified, saving the Coroner and the Police from having to obtain DNA from families of recent sea burials to identify the body and potentially mounting a suspicious death inquiry. This was initiated by the Isle of Wight Senior Coroner, Caroline Sumeray, led by the UK Missing Persons Unit, and working with various other partners, including Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, the Home Office Forensic Pathology Unit, FINDS and the Human Tissue Authority.

This initiative was supported by the Ministry of Justice and Bob Seely, MP for the Isle of Wight at the time.

2. I-Familia and INTERPOL

The volunteer kinship consent form was updated to allow for consent to be captured for I- Familia (‘INTERPOL Family-Associated Matching to Identify Lost Individuals Abroad’) and INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organisation) dissemination. Further information for the service is available at:

In addition, for missing person services, a facility was made available regarding the war in Ukraine for family members seeking to find missing relatives. FINDS released guidance to LEAs to enable them to direct families, who believe they have lost family members in the War in Ukraine to the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) where they may wish to register and provide a DNA sample to help identify a missing relative through relationship testing.

1.6.4 DNA Futures

The ‘DNA Futures’ project is led by FINDS and the Forensic Capability Network (FCN) and brings together key stakeholders from across police forces, FSPs, and criminal justice partners for the purposes of prioritising areas of work and development of a strategic plan for DNA service delivery.

DNA Futures are leading the development of a UK Y-chromosome reference database that will enable the estimation of the frequency of Y-STR profiles specifically in the UK population. This reference database will enhance the UK’s capability in the investigation of sexual offences as well as other serious criminal offences, where often the male DNA

profile is masked due to a mixed DNA profile. A collection exercise of approximately 10,000 mouth swab samples to obtain Y-STR profile data for the reference database was commenced by FINDS and FCN in 2023.

1.7 Error Rates

Table 7 shows the error rate for subject and crime scene profile records held on NDNAD for each type of organisation in 2023/24. These errors have been identified through FINDS integrity checks. No known miscarriage of justice arose from these errors; they were detected by the routine integrity checks in place. However, had they remained undetected, they could have affected the integrity of the NDNAD.

Table 7: Error rates 2023/2024

Organisation Error types Sample type April to June 2023 July to September 2023 October to December 2023 January to March 2024
Profile records loaded   Subject 83,175 80,376 82,210 81,948
    Crime scene 5,936 6,483 5,728 6,094
Police Forces Sample or record handling Subject 84 63 64 91
    Subject % 0.10% 0.08% 0.08% 0.11%
Forensic Service Providers Sample or record handling Subject 1 0 3 3
    Subject (%) <0.00% 0.00% <0.00% <0.00%
    Crime scene 7 6 5 5
    Crime scene (%) 0.12% 0.09% 0.09% 0.08%
  Interpretation[footnote 35] Subject 4 7 3 2
    Subject (%) <0.00% 0.01% <0.00% <0.00%
    Crime scene 13 10 8 10
    Crime scene (%) 0.22% 0.15% 0.14% 0.16%
FINDS (DNA) Transcription or amendment Subject 0 1 0 1
    Subject (%) 0.00% <0.00% 0.00% <0.00%
    Crime scene 0 0 0 1
    Crime scene (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.02%

1.8 FSP accreditation

FSPs carrying out DNA profiling work for loading to NDNAD must be approved by FINDS and the FIND Strategy Board and must hold accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 as defined in the Forensic Science Regulator’s Statutory Code of Practice[footnote 36]. This involves regular monitoring of standards. As at 31st March 2024, 14 laboratories were authorised to load profile records to NDNAD from standard processing.

2. National Fingerprint Database

April 2023 to March 2024:

  • 28,374,312 fingerprint forms held on 8,775,386 individuals
  • 1,930,902 unidentified crime scene marks, 2% decrease since 2022 to 2023
  • 12,866 ten print to scene of crime marks matches
  • 9,249 vulnerable persons
  • 7 missing persons identifications

2. Introduction

The National Fingerprint Database and National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS), now collectively referred to as IDENT1, was established in 1999 and holds fingerprint images obtained from persons and crime scenes by LEAs of the United Kingdom. It provides the ability to electronically store and search fingerprint images to manage person identity and compare fingerprints from known individuals with fingermarks from unsolved crimes.

2.1.1 Outcomes using Fingerprints

The number of offenders convicted with the help of fingerprint evidence is not recorded.

Within IDENT1 it is possible to search Tenprints and fingermarks to investigate links between a person and unidentified scene of crime fingermarks.

During the period 2023/24 there were 417,743 scene of crime fingermark to Tenprint searches resulting in 12,866 matches.

For all Tenprint records obtained from persons arrested in the UK there is a search of the arrestee Tenprint collection to confirm whether a person has a previously obtained fingerprint set on the database. This search confirms a person’s identity and is linked to the person’s arrest event, biometrically validating a person’s arrest history.

2.2 Who is on IDENT1?

2.2.1 Number of profile records held on IDENT1 System[footnote 37]

As at 31st March 2024, IDENT1 held 28,374,312 fingerprint forms relating to 8,775,385 individuals. Table 8 shows the yearly number of individuals on IDENT1. Figure 9 shows the yearly number of individuals retained on IDENT1.

As at 31st March 2024, IDENT1 held 1,930,902 unidentified crime scene marks. Figure 10 shows the yearly number of unique unidentified mark submissions held on IDENT1.

Table 8. Records held on IDENT1 by year

Year Number of Individuals on IDENT1 Number of Fingerprint Identification Forms held on IDENT1 Number of unidentified crime scene marks held on IDENT1
2014 - 2015 7,695,129 22,571,529 2,303,565
2015 - 2016 7,814,041 23,364,390 2,318,576
2016 - 2017 7,905,419 24,059,907 2,285,669
2017 - 2018 8,012,521 24,822,939 2,259,139
2018 - 2019 8,240,881 25,477,499 2,240,580
2019 - 2020 8,397,761 26,298,205 2,203,279
2020 - 2021 8,468,335 26,651,175 2,060,567
2021 - 2022 8,562,878 27,168,685 2,009,989
2022 - 2023 8,665,793 27,748,542 1,969,492
2023 - 2024 8,775,385 28,374,312 1,930,902

Figure 9: Number of individuals on IDENT 1 (in millions) (2014/15 to 2023/24[footnote 38]

Figure 10: Number of Fingerprint Forms Held for all Subjects on IDENT1 (in millions) (2014/15 to 2023/24)[footnote 39]

Figure 11: Number of unique unidentified mark submissions held on IDENT 1 (in millions) (2014/15 to 2023/24)[footnote 39]

2.3 Missing persons

Fingerprints relating to unidentified bodies, and unidentified or missing persons investigations are searched on the IDENT1 in an attempt to establish identity or locate a missing person. Where the investigation allows, the fingerprints obtained are stored in the Missing Persons Fingerprint Collection and as such are only searchable by request. Fingerprints obtained from the belongings of a missing person are also searched against both the National Fingerprint Collection and the Missing Persons Fingerprint Collection to assist with police investigations and to help to bring closure for the family of the missing person.

There were 70 sets of fingerprints relating to missing persons searched on the database as at 31st March 2024. There were 7 Fingerprint identifications for Missing Persons Unit cases during 2023/24.

2.4 Vulnerable persons

IDENT1 also contains fingerprints obtained with consent from vulnerable persons, specifically those defined at risk of honour-based assault, forced marriage or female genital mutilation. The taking of fingerprints (like DNA samples) is a key protective measure advised by the NPCC guidance to practitioners. This is a two-fold measure, aimed at addressing identification issues in potential investigations and to protect potential victims from serious acts of violence, and homicide[footnote 40]. Fingerprints donated by vulnerable persons are stored on IDENT1 and as such provide means to identify a vulnerable person when they come to police notice.

There were 9,249[footnote 41] sets of fingerprints relating to vulnerable people held on the database as at 31st March 2024.

2.5 Technology and business process developments on the National Fingerprint Database in 2023/24

The HOB Programme has provided the following developments for fingerprints capture, searching and storage over the last year:

  • Continued to roll out the replacement strategic mobile biometric capability, called Rapid Search, to police forces across England and Wales[footnote 42]. At the end of 2023/24, 33 forces had joined the service with 3 other agencies in the pipeline.
  • The re-procurement of the Strategic Matcher contract to cover the delivery of the Strategic Matcher Platform was completed. The platform will host the algorithms that enable fingerprint (and facial) biometric matching replacing the current matching services.
  • Continued to support police organisations to move their IDENT1 equipment or assisted configuring IDENT1 hardware to allow police organisations to collaborate when they relocate.
  • Various IDENT1 hardware and software components have been updated and refreshed to ensure business continuity.

2.5.1 Future developments

The HOB Programme has also supported the following future developments to improve efficiency and enhance capability:

  • Work on the test, delivery and roll out of the IDENT1 Strategic Matcher is underway with Stage 1 go live expected in Q4 2024/25, and the delivery of further stages will follow. The upgraded fingerprint matcher will provide more accurate fingerprint search results to users.
  • HOB is working with Police Digital Services to explore the benefits of integration of the Digital Fingerprint Capability with IDENT1. Integration of the two systems would streamline the IDENT1 user workflow and allow a digital ‘end to end’ user journey offering time saving efficiencies.
  • A proof of concept to refresh the IDENT1 bureau desktop concluded, and the concept is progressing to a feasibility study during 2024. This will provide opportunities to virtualise the bureau desktop and a refresh of the central architecture will improve system process and user experience.
  • Additional technical refreshes are planned for IDENT1 to ensure continuity of service until a larger replacement of the IDENT1 bureau desktop and central architecture is completed.
  • In October 2020, the UK began exchanging fingerprint data through the Prüm treaty, with the list of connected countries stated in section 3.3; during the period of the next annual report, connections are planned to: Latvia and Luxembourg.

An individual’s biometric information is sensitive personal information and is handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. To ensure transparency, HOB completes Data Protection Impact Assessments for all areas of the Programme. These are subject to independent ethical review by a subgroup of the Biometric and Forensic Ethics Group (BFEG) and it continues to review the assessments already published on[footnote 43]

2.5.2 Custody facial image retention on IDENT1

In the September 2022 FIND Strategy Board meeting, it was agreed that there should be a national data controller for the proposed retention of facial custody images on IDENT1, and that the governance should sit with the FIND Strategy Board.

A wider programme of work is now being undertaken on overall custody image retention and deletion across all databases and systems through the NPCC and City of London Police sponsored ‘Programme Tabula’ delivering on behalf of policing.

On confirmation of the agreed retention criteria to be applied to facial custody images, and with the necessary approvals being in place, the custody image dataset will be copied[footnote 44] from their current position in the Police National Database (PND) to the new IDENT1 Unified Collection of Custody Images (UCCI) database, with this scheduled to commence during 2024-25.

3. International Data exchange

3.1 Overview

DNA and fingerprints are exchanged with other countries to aid criminal investigations and in connection with missing person or unidentified body investigations. All exchanges must abide by national and international law and all non-Prüm exchanges of DNA and Fingerprint data are made via the NCA UK International Crime Bureau.

3.2 International requests for DNA & Fingerprint exchange

3.2.1 DNA

FINDS processed 555[footnote 45] requests from other countries for DNA profiles from their jurisdictions to be searched against the NDNAD during 2023/24. Of these 431 were in connection with a criminal investigation and 124 were in connection with a missing person or unidentified body part(s) investigations.

3.2.2 Fingerprints

FINDS has processed 58 requests from other (non-UK) countries for search of fingerprints from their jurisdictions to be searched against IDENT1 between April 2023 and March 2024. All of these requests were in connection with missing persons or identification / unidentified body investigations.

3.3 Exchanges under Title II of Part 3 of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (Prüm exchange)

Title II of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) provides for the continued exchange of biometric data with EU Member States (EU MS) to improve cross-border cooperation between LEAs to combat terrorism and cross-border crime. Cooperation prior to EU exit was governed by the Prüm Council Decisions and the biometric exchange mechanisms and governance framework continue to be referred to as ‘Prüm’.

Prüm allows the sharing of biometric data (DNA profiles and fingerprints) with EU MS on a reciprocal basis through a two-step process. Step 1 is an anonymised search of biometric data against national databases providing a ‘hit/no hit’ result. Step 2 involves the sharing of demographic data (e.g. name, date of birth) and policing intelligence where there has been a verified match against the anonymised data.

3.3.1 DNA Profile Exchange

  • 787 matches to the UK DNA records being progressed by EU MS
  • 1,817 matches to EU MS DNA records being processed by the UK

The UK began sharing DNA profiles in July 2019 and is now connected to 25 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Demark Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden. The remaining EU countries should be connected by the end of the 2024/25 financial year.

During 2023/24 the UK obtained 24,751 matches to our subjects and 3,846 matches to our crime stains. During this period 787 incoming requests were reported out as matches to requesting Member States (MS) and 1,817 reports were sent out to UK police forces to request the intelligence from the MS.

The UK’s connection to Prüm DNA has produced positive results for both the UK and the EU partners connected to so far. From 1st April 2023 up to 31st March 2024, EU MS received 512 UK held convicted subject profiles, 105 non-convicted subject profiles and associated intelligence packages, with 242 of these for serious crime offences.

The UK has received 795 EU MS subject profiles and associated intelligence packages, with 481 of these for serious crime offences.

Since the UK’s involvement in Prüm DNA exchange, there have been 5,709 inbound crimes (sent from EU MS) Step 2 cases and 8,509 hits outbound (sent from UKLE) Step 2 cases that have assisted in criminal investigations.

Planned future connections include Italy and Slovenia later in 2024.

3.3.2 Fingerprint Exchange

Following a positive peer evaluation and unanimous support from EU MS, the UK began exchanging fingerprint data under the Prüm Council Decisions in October 2020 and continues these exchanges under the TCA. Fingerprint searches against EU MS collections are initiated by practitioners in police bureaux via IDENT1.

As of 31st March 2024, the UK was connected to connected to 21 EU countries via Prüm: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.

UK LEAs have conducted over 33,880 fingerprint searches across the connected EU countries.

From 1st April 2023 up to 31st March 2024 the UK undertook 21,785 fingerprint searches resulting in 337 Step 2 intelligence packages received from the EU and 157 outbound intelligence packages sent from the UK.

Since the UK’s involvement in the Prüm fingerprint exchange, the UK has made a total of 826 outbound intelligence requests to EU Member States. The EU states have responded to over 97% of all requests, providing 807 subject profiles that have assisted LEAs in criminal investigations.

EU MS have made 467 inbound intelligence requests to the UK. The UK has responded to over 96% of these requests, providing 416 UK subject profiles that have assisted in EU Member State investigations.

Planned future connections include Luxembourg on 21st May 2024.

4. Finance 2023/24

In 2023/24 the Home Office and policing spent £4.40m[footnote 46] delivering FINDS services for the NDNAD, IDENT1, and the National Footwear System[footnote 47] on behalf of the Criminal Justice System (and £0.22m for the DNA Proficiency Testing schemes run by FINDS).

  1. This figure is based on the assumption that a subject profile record that matches a further subject profile record(s) is sourced from just one individual 

  2. All data in section 1 is obtained from NDNAD management information, unless otherwise stated. 

  3. A new management information tool was implemented in 2021/22 which allowed counting for subject records that were loaded and deleted within the same month. 

  4. NDNAD offence type classification. 

  5. Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own retention regime. 

  6. NDNAD does not hold individuals’ addresses. The geographical information provided is based on the location of the police force that submitted the profile record. 

  7. Includes the British Transport Police 

  8.  Includes Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey, Channel Islands, Ministry of Defence police forces, Criminal Records Office, National Crime Agency, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, and the Prisoner Sampling Programme. 

  9. 51.0% women and 49.0% men in England and Wales) - Census 2021 Population and household estimates, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics ( 

  10. Unknown is where the sex was recorded as ‘unknown’ on the Police National Computer (PNC) or on the sampling DNA kit card. 

  11. Where data in section 1 is shown as a %, the figures may not equal 100%, due to rounding. 

  12. The ethnicity of the individual is determined by the police officer who took the DNA sample. Unknown profile records refer to those where the officer either selected ‘ethnicity unknown’ on the recording form or where there was no ethnicity data accompanying the profile record. 

  13. This is calculated from the date of birth provided by the individual to the police officer at the time of arrest. 


  15. The age of criminal responsibility in Scotland is 12 years of age Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 ( 

  16. Recorded crime data for England & Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland 

  17. As defined within the Strategy Board ‘Access and Use’ policy 

  18. Scottish records recorded as ‘serious assault and attempted murder’ as a specific category, which does not align to the NDNAD classifications where these offence types are split between two defined categories. 

  19. No equivalent category available within recorded crime classifications. 

  20. The profile record may either be from DNA-17 (i.e. 16 numbers plus a sex marker) or from the previous system SGMPlus (i.e. 10 numbers plus a sex marker). 

  21. Excludes crime scene to crime scene matches. This figure has increased slightly (0.8%) on the previous reporting year. 

  22. This includes murder, manslaughter, and attempted murder. 

  23. NDNAD offence type classification 

  24. Because of the way in which the data is recorded and because all profiles loaded to the NDNAD are routinely searched against all profiles held on the NDNAD it is not possible to provide figures for the number of searches or the match rate for the data in this table. This data has been provided in table 5. 

  25. May 2024 

  26. Prosecutions are very rarely based on DNA evidence alone. 

  27. The match figures will include international matches that have occurred following a one-off search of the NDNAD / MPDD. 

  28. ACPO Guidance on Taking of Fingerprints, DNA & Photographs of Victims / Potential Victims of Forced Marriage – Handling Procedures. 

  29. This figure includes all datasets recorded on the VPDD. 

  30. Version 1 denoted by V1 in the text 

  31. The entirety of the dataset currently retained on the MPDD, speculatively searched as of 31st March 2024. 

  32. As of 10th April 2024. 

  33. The Chair (or their nominee) of the FIND Strategy Board approval is required – consideration on a case-by-case basis. 

  34. Forces deemed that following investigation the remaining 231 crime stain records could remain on the NDNAD. 

  35. It should be noted that the percentage error rates for record/sample handling are not directly equivalent to those for interpretation: a record/sample handling error will affect a complete DNA profile while an interpretation error will affect (generally) one area of the DNA analysed by the Forensic Service Provider (a single allele or locus). 

  36. The Accreditation of Forensic Service Providers Regulations 2018 require (inter alia) competent law enforcement authorities to use Forensic Service Providers (FSPs) accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 or otherwise accredited in accordance with the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, in order to conduct laboratory activities (including DNA profile activities or fingerprint data) for the prevention, detection or investigation of a crime. 

  37. SOURCE: FINDS - National Fingerprint and PNC Office in consultation with the IDENT1 supplier. 

  38. SOURCE: FINDS - National Fingerprint and PNC Office in consultation with the IDENT1 supplier. 

  39. Source: FINDS - National Fingerprint and PNC Office in consultation with the IDENT1 IT supplier  2

  40. 1.5 – ACPO Guidance on Taking of Fingerprints, DNA & Photographs of Victims / Potential Victims of Forced Marriage – Handling Procedures. 

  41. Strategic Central & Bureau Platform (SCBP) Service Performance Monitoring Report (April 2024 Service Period). 

  42. As mentioned in previous reports. 


  44. The source records will remain within PND; there will be maintenance of the current PND search capability. 

  45. The figure has been updated this year to include criminal investigations and now includes all international searches processed by FINDS. 

  46. Does not include IT costs. 

  47. Incorporating the National Footwear Database (NFD) and the National Footwear Reference Collection (NFRC)