Corporate report

Agenda: Forest Services board meeting 1 March 2024

Published 11 July 2024

Forest Services (FS) Board 25th meeting: Friday 1 March 2024, 10:00 – 12:30, via MS Teams.


To review key management and financial information and risks. Focus on Board Approval of FS Business Plan 2024-25, an update on the Farming and Countryside Programme (FCP), the Joint Woodland Creation Position Statement, and the Forestry Commission response to the Environment Audit Committee inquiry into the contribution of forestry to Net Zero and Biodiversity.


Invitees: Sir William Worsley, Hilary Allison, Edward Barker, Anna Brown, John Lockhart, Ross Murray, Derrick Osgood, Steph Rhodes, Richard Stanford and Sandy Storrie  

Boardroom Apprentice:  

Presenters: Bob Richards (for Derrick Osgood) (item 3.3), Sam Malpass (item 3.4), Joe Watts (item 4.1) and Ian Tubby (items 4.2 and 4.3)

Apologies: Derrick Osgood  

Minutes: Gemma Thomas

1. Welcome and Chair’s Update– Sir William Worsley

10:00 (10 mins)

Chair welcomes members to this 25th meeting of the Board, and updates the Board on activities across the Forestry Commission and the sector.

2. Minutes of the last meeting and declarations of interest – Sir William Worsley

10:10 (5 mins)

Agree minutes, update any recent declarations of interest, and discuss matters arising.

2.1 (Paper) Minutes of the last meeting (14 November 2023)

2.2 FS Register of Interest

3. Key Management and Financial Information

3.1 Directors’ Update – Anna Brown (Information)

10:15 (15 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Directors’ Update.

3.1 (Paper) Directors’ Update

3.2 Risk Register and Dashboard – Anna Brown (Information)

10:30 (15 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register, and from the Dashboards, noting the focus for this meeting on the ‘Protect and Improve’ agenda.

3.2A (Paper) FS Risks and Issues Dashboard

3.2B Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register

3.2C Dashboards

3.3 Finance Report – Bob Richards (for Derrick Osgood)

10:45 (10 mins)

A deep dive into FS finances.

3.3 (Paper) Board Finance Report

3.4 Board Approval of FS Business Plan 2024-25 – Sam Malpass (Decision)

10:55 (30 mins)

The Board approval of the 2024-25 Business Plan

3.4 (Paper) FS Business Plan 2024-25

4. Items for Discussion

4.1 Farming and Countryside Programme Update – Joe Watts (Information)

11:25 (20 mins)

A paper covering issues such as recent changes to the Woodland Management offer within Countryside Stewardship, planning for the transition of the Nature for Climate Fund schemes to Environmental Land Management and the wider FCP, and proposed changes to England Woodland Creation Offer payment rates.

4.1 Paper

4.2 Joint Woodland Creation Position Statement – Ian Tubby (Decision)

11:45 (20 mins)

Developing a joint position statement on woodland creation and how to meet environmental targets with Natural England.

4.2 Paper

4.3 Responses to the Environment Audit Committee inquiry into the contribution of forestry to Net Zero and Biodiversity – Ian Tubby (Decision)

12:05 (20 mins)

Further developing and setting out a Forestry Commission position on woodland creation policy and implementation in England.

4.3 Paper

5. Any Other Business - Sir William Worsley

12:25 (5 mins)

12:30 Close

Anna Brown - Director, Forest Services 23 February 2024.