Corporate report

Agenda: Forest Services board meeting 14 November 2023

Published 11 July 2024

Forest Services (FS) Board 24th meeting: Tuesday 14 November 2023, 13:30 – 16:00, via MS Teams.


To review key management and financial information and risks. Focus on Q2 Business Planning, institutional landowners, an update on Plant Health, and a report on the Effectiveness Questionnaire.


Invitees: Sir William Worsley, Hilary Allison, Edward Barker, Anna Brown, John Lockhart, Ross Murray, Derrick Osgood, Steph Rhodes, Richard Stanford and Sandy Storrie  

Boardroom Apprentice: Alex Stewart 

Presenters: Sam Malpass (item 3.4), Lucy Wyatt (item 4.1) and Andrea Deol (item 4.2) 


Minutes: Gemma Thomas

1. Welcome and Introductions - Sir William Worsley

13:30 (10 mins)

Sir William Worsley Chair welcomes members to this 24th meeting of the Board.

2. Minutes of the last meeting and declarations of interest – Sir William Worsley

13:40 (5 mins)

Agree minutes, update any recent declarations of interest, and discuss matters arising.

2.1 (Paper) Minutes of the last meeting (20 September 2023)

2.2 FS Register of Interest

3. Key Management and Financial Information

3.1 Directors’ Update – Anna Brown (Information)

13:45 (15 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Directors’ Update.

3.1 (Paper) Directors’ Update

3.2 Risk Register and Dashboard - Anna Brown (Information)

14:00 (15 mins)

Consider key issues arising from the Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register, and from the Dashboards, noting the focus for this meeting on the ‘Outstanding Organisation’ agenda.

3.2A (Paper) FS Risks and Issues Dashboard

3.2B Risks, Issues and Opportunities Register

3.2C Dashboards

3.3 Finance Report – Derrick Osgood

14:15 (10 mins)

A deep dive into FS finances.

3.3A (Paper) Board Finance

3.3B (Paper) FS Finance Summary AP6

4. Items for Discussion

4.1 Major Landowners and Tree Planting - Lucy Wyatt (Decisions, Information)

15:25 (20 mins)

To update the Board on the refreshed plan for major landowner engagement.

4.1 (Paper) Major Landowner Engagement

3. A return to Key Management and Financial Information

3.4 Q2 Report against FS Business Plan 2023-24 – Sam Malpass

14:45 (30 mins)

An update on progress against the annual Business Plan in Q2.

3.4 (Paper) FS Business Plan 2023-24 Q2 Review 

3.4 (Paper) Annex 1 BP Q2 Activity Dashboard 

3.4 (Paper) Annex 2 BP Q2 Activity Update

4. A return to Items for Discussion

4.2 Plant Health – Andrea Deol (Information)

15:15 (20 mins)

An overview of plant heath issues.

4.2 (Paper) Plant Health Update

4.3 FS Board Effectiveness Review 2023 – Gemma Thomas (Information)

15:35 (10 mins)

The annual Board Effectiveness Report, with recommendations for actions.

4.3 (Paper) FS Board Effectiveness Review 2023

4.3 Annex 1 Anonymised results 

4.3 Annex 2 Anonymised comments

4.4 Reflections from the Forestry Commission’s Board Apprentice – Alex Stewart (Information)

15:45 (10 mins)

A reflection on the year, and any thoughts for future apprenticeships.

5. Any Other Business – Sir William Worsley

15:55 (5 mins)

16:00 Close

Anna Brown - Director, Forest Services 13 September 2023.