CIC37: application to convert a company to a CIC
The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies (CIC Regulator)'s form for applying to convert a company to a CIC.
When applying to convert a company to a community interest company (CIC), this form should be submitted to the CIC Regulator alongside the appropriate Companies House forms, articles of association, Special Resolution and payment.
Updates to this page
Updated activities section on all 37 forms
Updated the fees required to convert from a limited company to a Community Interest Company
Removed Northern Ireland address
Removed the word memorandum of association
Removed Scotland's address
Email address box added
Form CIC37 and the continuation sheet updated
New accessible CIC37 form & continuation sheet
Updated information on the signatures on the CIC37 form
Updates example of surplus reason on the completed example of the CIC37
Uploaded new completed example CIC37 form
CIC 37 form help note updated on front sheet.
CIC37 example check list updated
Uploaded new version of form CIC37 to show amended delivery address.
First published.