Give details of your appeal to the court: Form N161
Use this form ('appellant’s notice') for all appeals and permissions to appeal (except for small-claims track appeals and appeals to the Family Division of the High Court). Includes notes N161A, N161B, N161C and N161D.
Read the accompanying notes before filling in the form.
Use this form, sometimes called an ‘appellant’s notice’, for:
- cases in the fast track
- multi-track cases
- statutory appeals from tribunals and other outside bodies (but not tribunal to tribunal appeals)
Use it for appeals in the:
- county court
- High Court
- Court of Appeal
Find out which court or tribunal to appeal to.
For appeals in small-claims track cases, use Form N164: Appellant’s notice (Small claims track only).
For appeals to the Family Division of the High Court, use Form FP161: Appellant’s notice (For use in appeals to the Family Division of the High Court).
Find out more about how to appeal to the Court of Appeal Civil Division.
Check court and tribunal fees and find out if you can get help with fees.
Related guidance
- I want to appeal, what should I do? For people who want to appeal against a court decision (EX340)
- Civil and family court fees (from February 2018) (EX50)
Find more court and tribunal forms by category.
Find out how HM Courts and Tribunals Service uses personal information you give when you fill in a form.
Updates to this page
Added Welsh version of N161A guidance.
Updated guidance notes on completing form N161 – Appellant’s notice (all appeals except small claims track appeals or appeals to the Family Division of the High Court).
Uploaded new version of N161
Amended statement of truth.
Revised form N161 uploaded.
First published.