
Summary of business appointments applications - Sir Simon Fraser

Published 18 January 2016

Sir Simon Fraser left his role as Permanent Under Secretary in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in July 2015.

1. Founding Partner, Flint Global Ltd

Sir Simon sought advice on establishing a new company advising businesses and third sector organisations on international and European business issues with a particular focus on regulation, competition and international issues.

When considering this application, the Committee noted Sir Simon’s statement that the company had no intention to carry out lobbying or to represent clients in their relations with Government. The Committee took into account that Sir Simon has had general dealings with a wide range of business leaders in his roles at the FCO and previously at BIS. However, these have been at a general policy and strategic level, and he has had no access to commercially sensitive information relevant to any potential clients under consideration.

The Committee further noted that, as a Permanent Secretary, Sir Simon is subject to an automatic three month waiting period before taking up any new appointment.

The Foreign Secretary accepted the Committee’s advice that there was no reason why he should not establish this company, subject to the following conditions:

  • A waiting period of three months from his last day in Crown service;

  • for two years from his last day of service, he should not become personally involved in lobbying the UK Government on behalf of his new company or its clients;

  • he should not draw on privileged information available to him from his time in Crown service;

  • for 12 months from his last day of service he should not undertake any work which involves providing advice to any company or organisation on the terms of a bid or contract relating directly to the work of the FCO; and

  • for two years from his last day of service, he must seek confirmation from the Committee directly that each individual commission he undertakes or is involved in for his new company is permissible under the agreed terms before taking it up. If, after enquiry, the Committee takes the view that the work is, or may be, outside the terms previously agreed he will be expected to submit a fresh application.

The letter containing the final advice was sent in June 2015 and the company formally commenced work in November 2015.