Free schools: how to apply
Guidance for proposers looking to set up new mainstream free schools. This includes 16 to 19 free schools.
Applies to England
The application round closed on Wednesday 30 November 2022.
A list of approved free schools from this application round is available.
Updates to this page
Added a link to the list of approved free schools.
Removed the expression of interest form and guidance. The expression of interest process closed on 16 September 2022.
Added the application guidance: 'How to apply to set up a mainstream free school'.
Updated the guidance for wave 15. This includes adding guidance on how to register your interest to set up a mainstream free school, a link to the expression of interest form and maps and underlying data showing the estimated primary and secondary places needed.
Updated to show that pre-registration closed at midday on 18 October 2019.
Added link to 'Apply to open a special or alternative provision free school'.
Guidance updated, maps updated, sample application forms added.
Updated document 'How to apply to set up a mainstream free school' and deadline for submitting wave 14 applications.
Updated wave 14 maps for primary and secondary places.
Updated application guidance and associated documents for the latest wave (14) of the free schools programme.
Registration for creating a new free school as part of wave 13 closed.
Pre-application deadline updated from 6 September 2018 to 1 October 2018.
Updated the deadline text and added a new version of 'How to apply to set up a mainstream free school: guidance'. Added new version of ' Application form notes (for information only)'.
Updated application guidance and associated documents for the latest wave (13) of the free schools programme.
Updated guide with information for wave 12.
First published.