FOI release

Freedom of Information request on MHRA pay grades (FOI 21/875)

Published 20 January 2022

24th August 2021

FOI 21/875


Thank you for your information request, dated 1 August 2021, where you asked for pay information relating to our 2020 pay settlement.

I am pleased to provide you with the information requested, see below.

  • The name by which the grade is known in your organisation.

These are referred to as the delegated grades

  • The broad equivalent civil service grade (Administrative Assistant (AA), Administrative Officer (AO), Executive Officer (EO), Higher Executive Officer (HEO), Senior Executive Officer (SEO), Grade 7, Grade 6). This may be multiple if grades have been merged.
Civil Service Grade MHRA Equivalent Grades
Administrative Assistant AA
Administrative Office AO
Executive Officer EO, Agenda for Change Band 5
Higher Executive Officer HEO, Agenda for Change Band 6, NIBSC Band E
Senior Executive Officer SEO, Agenda for Change Band 7
Grade 7 Grade 7, Agenda for Change Band 8a
Grade 6 Grade 6, Agenda for Change Band 8d
  • A brief description of the grade and how it differs from broadly equivalent grades. (e.g. National, London, Fast stream, Specialist requiring particular qualifications).

Within each grade there is a National and London pay range. We also have some Fast stream officers who are paid a comparable salary to the Higher Executive Officer pay range

  • The amount and area of any regional pay allowances that are paid on top of basic pay for this grade.

The difference between the National and London pay ranges is £3,750.

  • The pay range minimum following the 2020 pay award. If the award is still pending, please supply the current minimum and the year to which this relates.
Civil Service Grade MHRA pay range minimum
Administrative Assistant £20,277
Administrative Office £23,323
Executive Officer £27,135
Higher Executive Officer £32,635
Senior Executive Officer £40,451
Grade 7 £53,101
Grade 6 £65,915
  • The pay range maximum following the 2020 pay award. This may be the same as the minimum. If the award is still pending, please supply the current maximum and the year to which this relates.
Civil Service Grade MHRA pay range maximum
Administrative Assistant £20,699
Administrative Office £23,922
Executive Officer £30,731
Higher Executive Officer £37,877
Senior Executive Officer £46,458
Grade 7 £62,909
Grade 6 £76,164
  • While progression is subject to pay negotiations each year and is paused for 2021, if the 2020 pay award was repeated, how many years it would take to go from minimum to maximum. Please indicate if the maximum is not achievable if the 2020 progression arrangements were repeated.

This varies by grade and the size of the pay range, broken down as follows:

Civil Service Grade Years to get from Minimum to Maximum
Administrative Assistant 1 year
Administrative Office 1 year
Executive Officer 6 years
Higher Executive Officer 8 years
Senior Executive Officer 7 years
Grade 7 9 years
Grade 6 8 years

The Freedom of Information Act only entitles you to access to information – the information supplied is subject to Crown copyright, and there are some restrictions on its re-use. For information on the reproduction or re-use of MHRA information, please visit

If you have a query about the information provided, please reply to this email. Yours sincerely,

Human Resources