FOI release

Freedom of Information request (FOI 22/767)

Published 17 January 2024

24th October 2022

FOI 22/767


Please find attached the clinical overviews and non-clinical for the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca.

For the non-clinical overviews no redactions were deemed necessary, in terms of the clinical redactions have been made under Section 40 (personal information) of FOIA, on the grounds that this text relates to an identified or identifiable individual; it could enable the identification of an individual from the trial. In particular, parts of the redacted information are sensitive personal data relating to one or at most two specific individuals from the clinical trial in circumstances where those individuals have not consented to public disclosure for this purpose or in these circumstances and those individuals would be likely to object to the disclosure in these circumstances. Certain other redactions are related to the names of AstraZeneca employees involved in the trial where they have not consented to disclosure and would have a reasonable expectation that their names would not be made public.

As previously mentioned, I will begin making redactions irreversible for the other COVID-19 vaccines specified in the request.

Kind regards,