Corporate report

FSA Gender Pay Gap 2022

This is the FSA’s sixth Gender Pay Gap report. It is based on a snapshot of all FSA staff as at 31 March 2022 and fulfils our reporting requirements.



The report analyses the figures in more detail and sets out what we are doing to close the gender pay gap in the organisation.

The FSA uses Civil Service grades ranging from Administrative Officer to Senior Civil Servant. Grades vary according to the level of responsibility that staff have and each grade has a set pay range. Salaries are paid according to grade and annual pay awards within the grade are paid irrespective of gender.

All grades with the exception of the Senior Civil Service (SCS) have both a London and National pay range.

On 31 March 2021, 1310 people worked for the FSA, an increase of 45 since 31 March 2020. The percentage of females remained at 40%. The number of Senior Civil Servants who are female, fell from 42% to 41%.

Gender balance at different grades is one of the main contributing factors to an organisation’s gender pay gap. A breakdown of gender representation at each grade is presented in our report.

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Published 27 March 2023

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