Functional Skills English conditions and requirements
Rules and regulations for new Functional Skills qualifications in English
Applies to England
This document sets out the Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Functional Skills qualifications in English. These conditions and requirements came into effect at 9.30am on 9 August 2019 and apply to the following functional skills qualifications in English –
- qualifications awarded to all learners registered on or after 1 September 2019
- all qualifications awarded on or after 1 August 2021
Read the associated guidance to understand how to comply with these rules.
You should also read our requirements for all qualifications.
Updates to this page
FSE6 (interpretation and definitions) has been removed to avoid duplication with the Qualification Level Conditions for functional skills qualifications.
Functional Skills English conditions and requirements document updated.
Updated document to reflect changes following consultation to increase the Guided Learning Hours in Functional Skills
Document updated to include Department for Education's subject content, and the purposes of the qualification.
First published.