Policy paper

Crossrail Bill environmental statement: further responses to the consultation

Further responses to our consultation on the Crossrail Bill environmental statement.

This was published under the 2007 to 2010 Brown Labour government

This publication was withdrawn on

This bill was enacted on 22 July 2008: Crossrail Act 2008.


Further responses to the government's consultation on the Crossrail Bill environmental statement

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Department for Transport received a further 52 representations between 10 June 2005 and 8 August 2007 in response to a consultation on the Crossrail Bill.

The responses cover a range of issues, some generic to the project, such as the route chosen, others relating to specific locations. Many of those who commented on the environmental statement (ES) also petitioned the Select Committee considering the Crossrail Bill and a number of the issues raised in these responses were also raised before the committee itself.

This document contains a list of significant issues raised in response to the consultation exercise. It is provided to guide the reader to those issues that appear, from the comments received, to be of most concern to those affected by the project. The reader can find the detailed comments in the actual responses themselves, which are set out in Appendix B.

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Published 20 November 2007

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