NE advice on original partridge release conditions as considered in Defra’s HRA
Published 29 June 2021
Applies to England
“We would like to highlight a potential omission from the conditions as proposed. It has been drawn to our attention that red-legged partridges can also be subject to immediate or ‘hard’ releases i.e. birds are released directly into the wild (often into sown game crop cover) without first being placed into a release pen. In light of this, we would advise that the proposed conditions also stipulate an upper limit to the number of red legged partridges that can be released immediately into the wild in a given area without the use of a release pen.”
1. Defra proposed revision of partridge release conditions
Defra has considered the licence conditions relating to red-legged partridge releases further and agree that an overall density limit that can be applied to birds released by any means would strengthen the protections.
Defra proposes that the licence conditions for red legged partridge releases are changed as set out below. The changes mean that all types of partridge releases are covered by the density condition. There is a lack of clear evidence on what is a generally sustainable partridge release density, but given that partridges have a smaller biomass than pheasants, we consider the use of the same density limits as for the pheasant releases to be a precautionary one.
The condition around the siting of pens on European Sites reflects industry best practice and will ensure that pens are not placed on sensitive habitats within the site boundary under the general licence. The purpose of the buffer zone is to protect the adjacent site so we do not consider it necessary to include a mandatory condition on the siting of pens within the buffer zone, but will include it in the supplementary advice for the buffer zone.
2. Releases on European Sites – mandatory conditions
2.1 Red-legged partridges
No more than 700 birds per hectare of land they inhabit or the density stipulated by a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) consent, whichever is the lower.
Partridge release pens must be sited in cover crops on arable or in improved grassland, rather than on seminatural or unimproved habitats.
2.2 Seasonal Limit
Single and trickle releases of the common pheasant must not exceed these limits during the entirety of one season cycle and gamebirds must not be released to replenish or replace any that have already been released and shot or otherwise killed in that season, except within the limits as stated
3. Releases in the buffer zone – mandatory conditions
3.1 Red-legged partridges
No more than 1000 birds per hectare of land they inhabit.
3.2 Seasonal Limit
Single and trickle releases of the common pheasant must not exceed these limits during the entirety of one season cycle and gamebirds must not be released to replenish or replace any that have already been released and shot or otherwise killed in that season, except within the limits as stated.
4. Releases in the buffer zone - supplementary guidance
Partridge release pens should be sited in cover crops on arable or in improved grassland, rather than on seminatural or unimproved habitats