GCE subject-level conditions and requirements for modern foreign languages
Rules and regulations for reformed A levels and AS qualifications (taught from September 2016) in modern foreign languages.
Applies to England
This document sets out rules and regulations for reformed A levels and AS qualifications in modern foreign languages. These will be taught in schools from September 2016 (French, German and Spanish) or September 2017 (other languages).
Read the associated guidance to understand how to comply with these rules.
You should also read the GCE qualification-level conditions and requirements and our requirements for all qualifications.
Updates to this page
Assessment Objectives requirements amended to increase the permitted proportion of marks to be used for responses in English for AS and A level qualifications in Chinese. Updated document published as HTML rather than PDF.
Updated definition of Modern Foreign Language in Condition GCE(Modern Foreign Languages)6.1.
Updated to apply to all modern foreign languages
First published.