
GCE subject-level conditions and requirements for music (2022)

Published 11 November 2021

This regulation was withdrawn on

These documents are no longer in use, as they applied only to assessments delivered in 2022.

Applies to England


About this document

This document is part of a suite of documents which sets out the regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering reformed A levels and AS qualifications in 2022.

We have developed all our requirements for GCE qualifications with the intention that AS and A level qualifications should fulfil the purposes set out below.

For A levels:

  • define and assess achievement of the knowledge, skills and understanding which will be needed by students planning to progress to undergraduate study at a UK higher education establishment, particularly (although not only) in the same subject area
  • set out a robust and internationally comparable post-16 academic course of study to develop that knowledge, skills and understanding
  • permit UK universities to accurately identify the level of attainment of students
  • provide a basis for school and college accountability measures at age 18
  • provide a benchmark of academic ability for employers

For AS qualifications:

  • provide evidence of students’ achievements in a robust and internationally comparable post-16 course of study that is a sub-set of A level content
  • enable students to broaden the range of subjects they study ## Requirements set out in this document

This document sets out the GCE Subject Level Conditions for Music (2022). These conditions will come into effect at 09:30 on 12 November 2021 for the following qualifications:

  1. a) all GCE A levels in Music
  2. b) all stand-alone GCE AS qualifications in Music

for Learners completing the qualification in 2022, except where the General Qualifications Alternative Awarding Framework applies.

It also sets out our requirements in relation to:

  1. a) assessment objectives - awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCE(Music)1.2
  2. b) assessment - awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCE (Music)2.3

With respect to the qualifications listed above, awarding organisations must also comply with:

  1. a) our General Conditions of Recognition, which apply to all awarding organisations and qualifications
  2. b) our GCE Qualification Level Conditions and Requirements
  3. c) all relevant Regulatory Documents

With respect to all other GCE Qualifications in Music, taken by Learners completing the qualification in 2023 and after, an awarding organisation must continue to comply with the GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Music.

Subject Level Conditions

GCE Subject Level Conditions for Music

Condition GCE(Music) 1: Compliance with content requirements


In respect of each GCE Qualification in Music which it makes available, or proposes to make available, an awarding organisation must -

  1. (a) comply with the requirements relating to that qualification set out in the document published by the Secretary of State entitled ‘Music GCE AS and A level subject content’, document reference DFE-00695-2014,
  2. (b) have regard to any recommendations or guidelines relating to that qualification set out in that document, and
  3. (c) interpret that document in accordance with any requirements, and having regard to any guidance, which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.


In respect of each GCE Qualification in Music which it makes available, or proposes to make available, an awarding organisation must comply with any requirements, and have regard to any guidance, relating to the objectives to be met by any assessment for that qualification which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Condition GCE(Music) 2: Assessment


Condition GCE4.1 does not apply to any GCE Qualification in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.


In respect of the total marks available for a GCE Qualification in Music which it makes available, an awarding organisation must ensure that -

  1. (a) 40 per cent of those marks are made available through Assessments by Examination, and
  2. (b) 60 per cent of those marks are made available through assessments that are not Assessments by Examination.


An awarding organisation must ensure that in respect of each assessment for a GCE Qualification in Music which it makes available which is not an Assessment by Examination it complies with any requirements, and has regard to any guidance, which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives - GCE Qualifications in Music

Condition GCE(Music)1.2 allows us to specify requirements relating to the objectives to be met by any assessment for GCE Qualifications in Music.

The assessment objectives set out below constitute requirements for the purposes of Condition GCE(Music)1.2. Awarding organisations must comply with these requirements in relation to all GCE AS and A level qualifications in Music they make available.

Assessment objective Description A level weighting AS weighting
AO1 Interpret musical ideas through performing, with technical and expressive control and an understanding of style and context. 25–35% 30%            
AO2 Create and develop musical ideas with technical and expressive control and coherence. 25–35% 30%            
AO3 Demonstrate and apply musical knowledge. 10% 15%            
AO4 Use analytical and appraising skills to make evaluative and critical judgements about music. 30% 25%            

Assessment requirements

Requirements in relation to assessments for GCE Qualifications in Music

Condition GCE(Music)2.3 allows us to specify requirements and guidance in relation to assessments which are not Assessments by Examination for GCE Qualifications in Music.

We set out our requirements for the purposes of Condition GCE(Music)2.3 below.

Forms of non-examination assessment

The requirements in this section apply to all GCE Qualifications in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.

Condition GCE(Music)2.2(b) states that an awarding organisation must ensure that of the total marks available for a GCE Qualification in Music, 60 per cent of those marks shall be made available through assessments which are not Assessments by Examination.

In respect of that 60 per cent, an awarding organisation must ensure that -

  1. (a) for a GCE A level qualification in Music -
    1. (i) either 25 per cent, 30 per cent or 35 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are made available through tasks which assess a Learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to performance (the ‘Performance Assessment’), and
    2. (ii) the remaining marks made available through assessments which are not Assessments by Examination are made available through tasks which assess a Learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to composition (the ‘Composition Assessment’).
  2. (b) for a GCE AS qualification in Music -
    1. (i) 30 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are made available through tasks which assess a Learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to performance (the ‘Performance Assessment’), and
    2. (ii) 30 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are made available through tasks which assess a Learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to composition (the ‘Composition Assessment’).

The Performance Assessment (A level)

The requirements in this section apply to GCE A level qualifications in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.

An awarding organisation must ensure that each Performance Assessment is designed and set to -

  1. (a) require each Learner to perform one or more pieces of music, with a combined duration of -
    1. (i) where 25 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are allocated to tasks targeting assessment objective AO1, at least two minutes and 30 seconds,
    2. (ii) where 30 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are allocated to tasks targeting assessment objective AO1, at least three minutes,
    3. (iii) where 35 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are allocated to tasks targeting assessment objective AO1, at least three minutes and 30 seconds,
  2. (b) require each Learner to select, following discussion with the Centre which will deliver the assessment, the piece or pieces of music that the Learner will perform during the assessment,
  3. (c) be taken by each Learner in the academic year in which that Learner expects to be awarded the qualification,
  4. (d) be taken under conditions specified by the awarding organisation, including in particular, conditions which ensure that the evidence generated by each Learner can be Authenticated, and
  5. (e) assess assessment objective AO1 in its entirety.

An awarding organisation must ensure that, in respect of each piece of music performed by a Learner in the Performance Assessment, the Centre which delivered that assessment provides the awarding organisation with -

  1. (a) a complete and unedited recording of the Learner’s live performance, and
  2. (b) where available, the score or lead sheet for that performance.

In paragraph 8 of the document published by the Secretary of State entitled ‘Music GCE AS and A level subject content’, document reference DFE-00695-2014, it is stated that Learners must perform using one or more of the following means -

  1. (a) playing or singing solo or in ensemble,
  2. (b) improvising, or
  3. (c) realising music using music technology.

In its assessment strategy, an awarding organisation must demonstrate to Ofqual’s satisfaction that, with respect to each Performance Assessment, it has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the Level of Demand is consistent no matter which of those means is chosen by a Learner.

The Performance Assessment (AS)

The requirements in this section apply to GCE AS level qualifications in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.

An awarding organisation must ensure that each Performance Assessment is designed and set to -

  1. (a) require each Learner to perform one or more pieces of music, with a combined duration of at least two minutes and 30 seconds,
  2. (b) require each Learner to select, following discussion with the Centre which is delivering the assessment, the piece or pieces of music that the Learner will perform during the assessment,
  3. (c) be taken by each Learner in the academic year in which that Learner expects to be awarded the qualification,
  4. (d) be taken under conditions specified by the awarding organisation, including, in particular, conditions which ensure that the evidence generated by each Learner can be Authenticated, and
  5. (e) assess assessment objective AO1 in its entirety.

An awarding organisation must ensure that, in respect of each piece of music performed by a Learner in the Performance Assessment, the Centre which delivered that assessment provides the awarding organisation with -

  1. (a) a complete and unedited recording of the Learner’s live performance, and
  2. (b) where available, the score or lead sheet for that performance.

In paragraph 8 of the document published by the Secretary of State entitled ‘Music GCE AS and A level subject content’, document reference DFE-00695-2014, it is stated that Learners must perform using one or more of the following means -

  1. (a) playing or singing solo or in ensemble,
  2. (b) improvising, or
  3. (c) realising music using music technology.

In its assessment strategy, an awarding organisation must demonstrate to Ofqual’s satisfaction that, with respect to each Performance Assessment, it has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the Level of Demand is consistent no matter which of those means is chosen by a Learner.

The Composition Assessment (A level)

The requirements in this section apply to GCE A level qualifications in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.

An awarding organisation must ensure that each Composition Assessment is designed and set to -

  1. (a) offer each Learner a choice of composing music -
    1. (i) in response to a brief set by the awarding organisation, and/or
    2. (ii) freely as the Learner chooses,
  2. (b) require each Learner to compose -
    1. (i) where 25 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are allocated to tasks targeting assessment objective AO2, one or more pieces of music with a combined duration of at least two minutes,
    2. (ii) where 30 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are allocated to tasks targeting assessment objective AO2, one or more pieces of music with a combined duration of at least three minutes,
    3. (iii) where 35 per cent of the total marks available for the qualification are allocated to tasks targeting assessment objective AO2, two or more separate pieces of music with a combined duration of at least four minutes,
  3. (c) be taken under conditions specified by the awarding organisation, including, in particular, conditions which ensure that the evidence generated by each Learner can be Authenticated,
  4. (d) minimise the predictability of such assessments,
  5. (e) facilitate the comparability of such assessments, and
  6. (f) assess assessment objective AO2 in its entirety.

An awarding organisation must ensure that each brief it sets for a Composition Assessment specifies the occasion or audience with reference to which the piece is to be composed.

An awarding organisation must ensure that, in respect of each piece of music composed by a Learner for the Composition Assessment, the Centre which delivered that assessment provides the awarding organisation with -

  1. (a) a complete recording of the piece, and
  2. (b) a score, lead sheet or written account of the composition, which has been produced by the Learner.

The Learner does not have to perform the piece of music which he or she has composed.

The Composition Assessment (AS)

The requirements in this section apply to GCE AS qualifications in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.

An awarding organisation must ensure that each Composition Assessment is designed and set to -

  1. (a) offer each Learner a choice of composing music -
    1. (i) in response to a brief set by the awarding organisation, and/or
    2. (ii) freely as the Learner chooses,
  2. (b) require each Learner to compose one or more pieces of music with a combined duration of at least two minutes and 30 seconds,
  3. (c) be taken under conditions specified by the awarding organisation, including, in particular, conditions which ensure that the evidence generated by each Learner can be Authenticated,
  4. (d) minimise the predictability of such assessments,
  5. (e) facilitate the comparability of such assessments, and
  6. (f) assess assessment objective AO2 in its entirety.

An awarding organisation must ensure that each brief it sets for a Composition Assessment specifies the occasion or audience with reference to which the piece is to be composed.

An awarding organisation must ensure that, in respect of each piece of music composed by a Learner for the Composition Assessment, the Centre which delivered that assessment provides the awarding organisation with -

  1. (a) a complete recording of the piece, and
  2. (b) a score, lead sheet or written account of the composition, which has been produced by the Learner.

The Learner does not have to perform the piece of music which he or she has composed.

Marking of assessments

The requirements in this section apply to all GCE Qualifications in Music which an awarding organisation makes available or proposes to make available.

Evidence generated by each Learner in each assessment for a GCE Qualification in Music which is not an Assessment by Examination may be marked -

  1. (a) by the awarding organisation or a person connected to the awarding organisation
  2. (b) by a Centre, or
  3. (c) through a combination of (a) and (b).

In any event, the awarding organisation must demonstrate to Ofqual’s satisfaction in its assessment strategy that -

  1. (a) it has taken all reasonable steps to identify the risk of any Adverse Effect which may result from its approach to marking of the assessments, and
  2. (b) where such a risk is identified, it has taken all reasonable steps to prevent that Adverse Effect or, where it cannot be prevented, to mitigate that Adverse Effect.