GCSE, GCE, principal learning and project code of practice
Code of practice for principal learning and project qualifications.
Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales
These documents should be read together. They set out rules for principal learning and project qualifications:
- the agreed principles and practices for the assessment and quality assurance of those qualifications
- the roles and responsibilities of awarding organisations and schools/colleges
- the requirements for a high-quality examinations process.
August 2016 update
As of 25 August 2016, this document no longer applies to GCSEs, AS and A levels.
This is because it has been replaced by our new rules on reviews and appeals for GCSEs (graded A* to G), and for legacy AS and A levels.
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect withdrawal of the Code of Practice for legacy GCSEs
Updated to reflect withdrawal of the Code of Practice for legacy AS and A levels.
Updated following publication of our new rules for setting grade boundaries in GCSEs (A* to G) and pre-reform AS and A levels
First published.