
GCSE subject-level conditions and requirements for modern foreign languages and certificate requirements (2022)

Published 11 November 2021

This guidance was withdrawn on

These documents are no longer in use, as they applied only to assessments delivered in 2022.

Applies to England


About this document

This document is part of a suite of documents which sets out the regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering GCSE qualifications (graded from 9 to 1) in 2022.

We have developed these requirements with the intention that GCSE qualifications (graded from 9 to 1) should provide:

  • evidence of students’ achievements against demanding and fulfilling content
  • a strong foundation for further academic and vocational study and for employment
  • a basis for schools and colleges to be held accountable for the performance of all of their students, if required

Requirements set out in this document

This document sets out the GCSE Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages (2022). These conditions will come into effect at 09:30 on 12 November 2021 for all GCSE qualifications (graded from 9 to 1) in Modern Foreign Languages for Learners completing the qualification in 2022, except where the General Qualifications Alternative Awarding Framework applies.

A ‘Modern Foreign Language’ is defined in Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 8.1.

It also sets out our requirements in relation to:

  • assessment objectives – awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages)1.2
  • tiering of assessments – awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 2.1
  • assessments (including the speaking assessment) – awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 3.1
  • Spoken Language Assessments – awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.2
  • certificates for GCSE Modern Foreign Languages – awarding organisations must comply with these requirements under Condition I3.1 and Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7.3

With respect to all GCSE qualifications (graded from 9 to 1), awarding organisations must also comply with:

With respect to GCSE qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages taken by Learners completing the qualification in 2023 and after, an awarding organisation must continue to comply with the GCSE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Modern Foreign Languages.

Subject Level Conditions

GCSE Subject Level Conditions for Modern Foreign Languages

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 1: Compliance with content requirements

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 1.1

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available, or proposes to make available, an awarding organisation must –

  1. (a) comply with the requirements relating to that qualification set out in the document published by the Secretary of State entitled ‘Modern foreign languages GCSE subject content’, document reference DFE-00348-2014,
  2. (b) have regard to any recommendations or guidelines relating to that qualification set out in that document, and
  3. (c) interpret that document in accordance with any requirements, and having regard to any guidance, which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 1.2

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available, or proposes to make available, an awarding organisation must comply with any requirements, and have regard to any guidance, relating to the objectives to be met by any assessment for that qualification which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 2: Assessing the full range of abilities

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 2.1

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language that an awarding organisation makes available, or proposes to make available –

  1. (a) Condition GCSE1.1 does not apply, and
  2. (b) the awarding organisation must ensure that the qualification, and each assessment for it, complies with any requirements which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 3: Assessment

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 3.1

An awarding organisation must ensure that in respect of each assessment for a GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available it complies with any requirements, and has regard to any guidance, which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4: Spoken Language Assessments

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.1

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which an awarding organisation makes available, or proposes to make available –

  1. (a) unless Ofqual publishes a notice stating that the awarding organisation must take an Endorsement Approach –
    1. (i) Conditions GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)4.4 – 4.5 shall apply, and
    2. (ii) Conditions GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)4.6 – 4.8 and GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)7 shall not apply, and
  2. (b) where such a notice is published, from the date specified in the notice –
    1. (i) Conditions GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)4.4 – 4.5 shall cease to apply, and
    2. (ii) Conditions GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)4.6 – 4.8 and GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)7 shall apply.
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.2

In respect of a Spoken Language Assessment for a GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which an awarding organisation makes available, or proposes to make available, the following conditions do not apply –

  1. (a) Condition GCSE4.1
  2. (b) Condition GCSE6.1
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.3

In respect of each Spoken Language Assessment for a GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available, or proposes to make available, an awarding organisation must ensure that it complies with any requirements, and has regard to any guidance, which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Where an Endorsement Approach does not apply
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.4

In respect of each assessment for a GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language that it makes available and which is not an Assessment by Examination an awarding organisation must ensure that –

  1. (a) the awarding organisation sets the assessment,
  2. (b) the evidence generated by a Learner in the assessment is marked by the awarding organisation and/or a person connected to it, and
  3. (c) the awarding organisation is provided with a recording of the evidence generated by a Learner in the assessment.
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.5

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language that an awarding organisation makes available, or proposes to make available –

  1. (a) the awarding organisation must ensure that each Learner completes any such assessment within a period of up to five weeks in the months of April and May in any single year, and
  2. (b) the awarding organisation must take all reasonable steps to minimise the predictability of each such assessment.
Where an Endorsement Approach applies
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.6

Condition H2 does not apply to a Spoken Language Assessment for a GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language.

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.7

In respect of each assessment cycle for a GCSE Qualification in Modern Foreign Languages which it makes available, an awarding organisation must –

  1. (a) require each Centre to provide a spoken language statement to the awarding organisation, and
  2. (b) treat any failure by a Centre to provide a spoken language statement to the awarding organisation in a timely manner as malpractice and/or maladministration (under General Condition A8 (Malpractice and maladministration).
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.8

For the purposes of this condition a ‘spoken language statement’ is a true and accurate written statement made by a Centre to an awarding organisation which confirms that it has taken reasonable steps to secure that each Learner to which that Centre has delivered the assessments to be taken in a particular assessment cycle for a GCSE Qualification in Modern Foreign Languages which the awarding organisation makes available has had the opportunity to take a Spoken Language Assessment.

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 5: Access to dictionaries

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 5.1

An awarding organisation must take reasonable steps to ensure that no Learner has access to a dictionary –

  1. (a) when taking any assessment for a GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available, or
  2. (b) during any period of formal preparation time prior to such an assessment.
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 5.2

For the purposes of this Condition ‘formal preparation time’ is a period of time immediately prior to the assessment during which the Learner is provided with previously unseen information relating to the assessment and is allowed to prepare for the assessment under conditions (including conditions as to supervision) which have been specified by the awarding organisation.

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 6: Titling

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 6.1

An awarding organisation must ensure that, for the purposes of compliance with Condition E2.1(d), the title on the Register of each GCSE Qualification in Chinese which it makes available indicates the content of that qualification in the following manner, as appropriate –

  1. (a) Chinese (spoken Mandarin), or
  2. (b) Chinese (spoken Cantonese).

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7: Marking and results

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7.1

Conditions GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)7.2– 7.4 apply where Ofqual has issued a notice under Condition GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)4.1(b) requiring an awarding organisation to take an Endorsement Approach.

GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages) 7.2

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available an awarding organisation must calculate and publish the following two separate results for each Learner –

  1. (a) a result for the Assessments by Examination to be taken for that qualification, and
  2. (a) a result for the Spoken Language Assessment.
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7.3

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available, an awarding organisation must ensure that an Assessor does not have any regard to a Learner’s -

  1. (a) result for the Spoken Language Assessment in calculating that Learner’s final mark and result for the Assessments by Examination, and/or
  2. (b) final mark or result for the Assessments by Examination in determining that Learner’s result for the Spoken Language Assessment.
GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7.4

In respect of each Spoken Language Assessment an awarding organisation must ensure that it complies with any Certificate Requirements which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 8: Interpretation and definitions

GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 8.1

In these Conditions the following words shall have the meaning given to them below (and cognate expressions should be construed accordingly) –

Endorsement Approach

An approach to the Spoken Language Assessment under which a Learner’s language performance is –

  1. (a) generally assessed through everyday classroom activities rather than through a set-piece assessment, and
  2. (b) recognised through a separate endorsement of Pass, Merit or Distinction instead of forming part of the overall result for the qualification.
Modern Foreign Language

A language, apart from English –

  1. (a) which is in everyday spoken use, and
  2. (b) with respect to which an awarding organisation is not required to comply with the GCSE (9 to 1) Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Ancient Language.
Spoken Language Assessment

An assessment of a Learner’s ability to speak the relevant Modern Foreign Language effectively.

Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives – GCSE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages)1.2 allows us to specify requirements relating to the objectives to be met by any assessment for all GCSE Qualifications in a Modern Foreign Language.

The assessment objectives set out below constitute requirements for the purposes of Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages)1.2. Awarding organisations must comply with these requirements in relation to each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language they make available or propose to make available.

Assessment objectives where an Endorsement Approach does not apply

Assessment objective Description Weighting
AO1 Listening – understand and respond to different types of spoken language 25%
AO2 Speaking – communicate and interact effectively in speech 25%
AO3 Reading – understand and respond to different types of written language 25%
AO4 Writing – communicate in writing 25%

In each of AO2 and AO4, at least 10 per cent of the marks available for that assessment objective must be allocated to knowledge of, and accurate application of, the grammar and structures of the language prescribed in the specification.

Assessment objectives where an Endorsement Approach applies

Assessment objective Description Weighting
AO1 Listening – understand and respond to different types of spoken language One third
AO2 Not used Not applicable
AO3 Reading – understand and respond to different types of written language One third
AO4 Writing – communicate in writing One third

In AO4, at least 10 per cent of the marks available for that assessment objective must be allocated to knowledge of, and accurate application of, the grammar and structures of the language prescribed in the specification.

Tiering requirements

Tiering requirements – GCSE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 2.1(b) allows us to specify requirements relating to assessing the full range of abilities for GCSE Qualifications (graded 9 to 1) in Modern Foreign Languages.

In accordance with Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 2.1(b) an awarding organisation must design, deliver and award each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language that it makes available, or proposes to make available, in accordance with the requirements set out below.

Use of the overlapping tiers model

Each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language must be tiered. An awarding organisation must design and set the assessments for each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language which it makes available, or proposes to make available, using an overlapping tiers model.

Such a model must use two tiers – a foundation tier and a higher tier – and each assessment must be designed and set in such a way as to fall within one of those two tiers only.

Preclusion of mixed tier entry

An awarding organisation must ensure that each Learner is permitted to take assessments in either the foundation tier or the higher tier only.

Grades available at each tier

The questions or tasks in foundation tier assessments must be targeted at the Level of Demand required for the award of grades 1 to 5. A Learner who takes foundation tier assessments must be awarded a grade within the range of 1 to 5 or be unclassified.

The questions or tasks in higher tier assessments must be targeted at the Level of Demand required for the award of grades 4 to 9. A Learner who takes higher tier assessments must be awarded a grade within the range of 4 to 9, or be unclassified. However, if the mark achieved by such a Learner is a small number of marks below the 4/3 grade boundary, that Learner may be awarded a grade 3.

Assessing the full range of abilities

An awarding organisation must ensure that the assessments within each tier allow each specified level of attainment available for that tier to be reached by a Learner who has attained the required level of knowledge, skills and understanding.

An awarding organisation must ensure that the assessments both within each tier, and taken together across both tiers –

  1. (a) ensure consistent and sufficient differentiation between Learners;[footnote 1]
  2. (b) ensure consistent and sufficient discrimination between Learners;[footnote 2] and
  3. (c) ensure the accurate and consistent setting of grades across the full range of attainments demonstrated by Learners.

In designing assessments, an awarding organisation must take all reasonable steps to ensure, at each tier, that Learners achieving the lowest targeted grade have demonstrated attainment with regard to a sufficient range of the subject requirements, in terms of the areas of content, content domains and the assessment objectives. Equally, an awarding organisation must take all reasonable steps to ensure, at each tier, that Learners achieving the higher targeted grades must have demonstrated attainment with regard to suitably stretching and challenging requirements, in terms of the areas of content, content domains and the assessment objectives.

The overlap at grades 4 and 5

An awarding organisation must take all reasonable steps in the design and delivery of the assessments and awarding processes to secure that the level of attainment indicated by grades 4 and 5 is comparable regardless of the tier for which a Learner is entered. Each awarding organisation must demonstrate in its assessment strategy the steps it has taken to secure such comparability between tiers, including on an ongoing basis. Such steps may include, but are not restricted to, the use of common questions or tasks between tiers.

Assessment requirements

Assessment Requirements - GCSE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 3.1 allows us to specify requirements and guidance in relation to assessments for GCSE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages.

We set out our requirements for the purposes of Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 3.1 below.

Grammar requirements

The subject content for GCSE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages is set out in the document published by the Secretary of State entitled ‘Modern foreign languages GCSE subject content’, document reference DFE-00348-2014 (the ‘Content Document’).

The Appendix to the Content Document sets out grammar requirements for GCSE Qualifications in French, German or Spanish. The Content Document goes on to say:

For other languages, all specifications must include appendices, developed by the awarding organisation(s), setting-out requirements for grammar which represent a level of challenge and breadth that is comparable to the requirements for French, German and Spanish.

In respect of each GCSE Qualification in a Modern Foreign Language (other than French, German or Spanish) which it makes available, or proposes to make available, an awarding organisation must–

  1. (a) set out in the specification for the qualification the knowledge and understanding of grammar that will be expected of Learners at each of the foundation tier and higher tier (the ‘Grammar Requirements’), and
  2. (b) demonstrate to Ofqual’s satisfaction in its assessment strategy that it has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that, as far as possible, the Level of Demand of the Grammar Requirements is comparable to that of the grammar requirements specified in the Content Document for GCSE Qualifications in French, German and Spanish.

Listening assessment

An awarding organisation must design and set each assessment of a Learner’s ability to understand a spoken Modern Foreign Language effectively (which does not assess the Learner’s ability to speak the language effectively) on the basis that the total amount of time spent by each Learner in taking such assessments shall be –

  1. (a) for foundation tier assessments, 35 minutes (including five minutes reading time), and
  2. (b) for higher tier assessments, 45 minutes (including five minutes reading time).

Requirements in relation to Spoken Language Assessments

Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 4.2 allows us to specify requirements and guidance in relation to Spoken Language Assessments (as defined in Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages)4.3) for GCSE Qualifications in Modern Foreign Languages.

We set out our requirements for the purposes of Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign) 4.3 below.

Spoken Language Assessments where an Endorsement Approach does not apply

Where an Endorsement Approach does not apply, an awarding organisation must design and set each Spoken Language Assessment on the basis that:

  • each Learner shall have the same amount of formal preparation time (as defined in Condition GCSE(Modern Foreign Languages)5.2 in relation to the assessment and that period of time must be between 10 and 12 minutes;
  • the total period of time spent by each Learner in taking such assessments shall be –
    • for foundation tier assessments, between seven and nine minutes, and
    • for higher tier assessments, between 10 and 12 minutes.

Each Spoken Language Assessment must include:

  • a conversation covering more than one topic, only one of which may be chosen by the Learner in advance of the assessment; and
  • two further tasks, each of which must be one of the following:
    • a role play;
    • a response to Stimulus Materials containing pictures only;
    • a response to Stimulus Materials containing text only; or
    • a response to Stimulus Materials containing pictures and text.

In addition to the above requirements, an awarding organisation must also take all reasonable steps to ensure that Centres collect evidence of a Learner’s language performance through everyday classroom activities during the course, as set out below – including considering that evidence against the relevant criteria, for Pass, Merit and Distinction. This is to facilitate the application of an Endorsement Approach should it be necessary

Spoken Language Assessments where an Endorsement Approach applies

Where an Endorsement Approach applies, Spoken Language Assessments should, but do not have to, take place during normal teaching and learning rather than during a one-off performance. The criteria set out below are not intended to be used in a formal examination context and there is no requirement to set up Centre-devised speaking tests to arrive at an outcome unless this is a necessary arrangement for specific Learners, e.g. for private candidates.

Teachers may base their judgements on the accumulation of evidence of a Learner’s language performance through everyday classroom activities over time. This means Teachers have scope for various opportunities for Learners to demonstrate competence against the criteria set out below. There is no requirement for an awarding organisation to review this evidence.

Teachers may share the criteria with their Learners, as well as their ‘working at level, if they wish, to enable them to discuss, monitor and assess their own progress and to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Teachers should arrive at judgements taking into account a Learner’s strengths and weaknesses in performance across a range of contexts, themes and activities with different purposes.

Themes are those broad themes which will be taught in order to cover the requirements for Listening, Reading and Writing as outlined in the awarding organisation’s specification.

Speaking activities can be integrated into the teaching and learning of these skills in order to develop the skill of speaking in its own right as well as supporting the development of the other skills.

Different purposes may cover for example, conversations, presentations, transactions, formal and informal settings, descriptions and narrations. These suggestions are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive. Learners can demonstrate their speaking skills in relation to different purposes in a whole class context, working in pairs and groups or in a one-to-one interaction with the Teacher.

Specified levels of attainment in Spoken Language Assessments and their application where an Endorsement Approach applies

In relation to each Spoken Language Assessment, an awarding organisation must ensure that –

  1. (a) the specified levels of attainment are Pass, Merit and Distinction,
  2. (b) the criteria used by Assessors to determine whether each Learner will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction are those set out in Table 1 below, and
  3. (c) a Learner who does not meet the criteria to be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction, or who has not been exempted on grounds of disability from the assessment but who does not take it, is issued a result of ‘not classified’.

To be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction a Learner must –

  1. (a) take part in different tasks that are varied across different themes,
  2. (b) use language for different purposes, and
  3. (c) meet all of the criteria at the level for the Communication and interaction aspect and all of the criteria at the same level for at least two of the three other aspects of assessment with one aspect permissible at the level below. This includes awarding a pass to Learners who fail to meet the criteria for one of Range of language, Accuracy or Pronunciation and intonation.

The criteria below are to be applied to Learners entering at either the foundation or higher tier.

The criteria are not intended to be a mark scheme but have been devised to provide an overall description of a Learner’s performance covering different aspects at a particular level by the end of the course.

The criteria for Pass, Merit and Distinction do not relate to specific tasks, but are designed to be used across a range of contexts, purposes and teaching situations.

Applying the criteria for range of language should have regard for the grammar requirements set out in the awarding organisation’s specification.

The application of the criteria enables a limited compensatory approach. The key focus is on competence in Communication and interaction which is mandatory at the level to be awarded. To be awarded that level the expectations for Communication and interaction and two of the other aspects must be met in full. One of the other aspects may be one below the level to allow for a range of performance.

The criteria allow a Learner to present a ‘spiky profile’ in performance. For example, some Learners are very accurate, but may have a more limited range of language; others use more adventurous language, but as a consequence make more mistakes; pronunciation can be an issue for Learners, who have strongly accented English or those from other language backgrounds and those with speech difficulties. A pass can be achieved by Learners who have a limited range but quite accurate language and those with a wider range and less accuracy. This assessment arrangement therefore allows for such Learners to achieve a level that is not dependent on absolute accuracy or very good pronunciation.

Under Condition H1.1, an awarding organisation must have in place arrangements to ensure that, as far as possible, the criteria set out in Table 1 are –

  1. (a) understood by Assessors and accurately applied, and
  2. (b) applied consistently by Assessors, regardless of the identity of the Assessor, Learner or Centre.

An awarding organisation must publish the criteria, and where possible, must provide guidance to Teachers on the application of the criteria.

The criteria for Pass, Merit and Distinction

Grade Communication and interaction Range of language Accuracy Pronunciation and intonation
Pass To be awarded a pass, the Learner:
• gives some relevant information in generally short responses
• conveys simple opinions
• asks some straightforward questions
• may not always understand questions asked, but responses to those which are understood are comprehensible
• demonstrates a basic level of interaction
To be awarded a pass, the Learner:
• uses mostly simple grammatical structures
• uses a limited range of familiar vocabulary and expressions
• makes reference to present and past and/or future events with occasional success
To be awarded a pass, the Learner:
• is mainly correct when using familiar vocabulary and simple grammatical structures
• is likely to make errors, which sometimes impede communication
To be awarded a pass, the Learner:
• uses pronunciation that is mostly understandable
• makes errors that sometimes impede communication
• there may be frequent native language interference
Merit To be awarded a merit, the Learner:
• conveys mainly relevant information with occasional longer responses
• expresses opinions with some simple justification
• asks some varied questions to obtain information
• responds to questions and develops some answers
• demonstrates a good level of interaction
To be awarded a merit, the Learner:
• manipulates straightforward grammatical structures with some variation and occasional complex structures
• uses relevant and some varied vocabulary and expressions
• is generally successful in making reference to present, past and future events
To be awarded a merit, the Learner:
• uses a generally good level of accuracy when using straightforward vocabulary and grammatical structures
• is likely to make errors, particularly when more complex language is attempted. Such errors sometimes hinder clarity of communication
To be awarded a merit, the Learner:
• uses generally good pronunciation and intonation but with some inconsistency
• makes some errors that occasionally impede communication
• there may be some native language interference
Distinction To be awarded a distinction, the Learner:
• communicates detailed and relevant information, including extended responses
• expresses a variety of opinions with justification
• asks a variety of questions using a range of question forms
• responds to a variety of questions, often developing their answers
• demonstrates a very good level of interaction
To be awarded a distinction, the Learner:
• manipulates a variety of grammatical structures including some complex structures
• uses a range of relevant vocabulary and a variety of expressions
• is mostly successful in making references to present, past and future events
To be awarded a distinction, the Learner:
• uses predominantly accurate language using a range of relevant vocabulary and some complex grammatical structures
• is likely to make errors that are usually minor or occur when complex structures and/or less familiar vocabulary are attempted. Such errors rarely hinder clarity of communication
To be awarded a distinction, the Learner:
• uses pronunciation and intonation that are overall accurate and intelligible
• makes errors which rarely impede communication
• there may be only isolated native language interference

Certificate Requirements

Where an Endorsement Approach applies, Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7.4 allows us to specify Certificate Requirements in relation to the way in which a Learner’s attainment in a Spoken Language Assessment is reflected on that Learner’s certificate for the qualification.

In addition, under Condition I3.1, an awarding organisation is required to ensure that the design of each certificate in relation to a qualification which it makes available complies with the Certificate Requirements which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

We set out our Certificate Requirements for the purposes of Condition GCSE (Modern Foreign Languages) 7.3 and Condition I3.1 below.

These requirements must be followed in addition to the Additional Certificate Requirements which apply to all qualifications.

Certificate requirements for Spoken Language Assessments

A certificate will only be issued for a GCSE Qualification in Modern Foreign Languages where a Learner has been awarded a grade 9-1 in respect of the level of attainment, he or she has demonstrated in the Assessments by Examination to be taken for that qualification.

Where a Learner has not been awarded a grade 9-1 in respect of those Assessments by Examination, an awarding organisation must ensure that no certificate is issued in respect of that Learner’s Spoken Language Assessment, regardless of the result of that assessment.

For clarity, the result for that Learner’s Spoken Language Assessment must still be issued, together with the Learner’s result in respect of the Assessments by Examination, under Condition H6.1.

Where a certificate will be issued to a Learner in respect of the Assessments by Examination, an awarding organisation must ensure that it meets the following requirements in recording the outcome of the Spoken Language Assessment on that certificate –

  1. (a) Where the Learner has been awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction, that outcome must be recorded on the certificate.
  2. (b) Where the Learner –
    1. (i) has taken the Spoken Language Assessment but has not been awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction, or
    2. (ii) has not been granted an exemption on grounds of disability from taking the Spoken Language Assessment, but has not taken that assessment,
  3. the outcome reported on the certificate must be ‘not classified’.
  4. (c) Where the Learner has been granted an exemption from taking the Spoken Language Assessment under Condition G6, the outcome reported on the certificate must be in line with any requirements which may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.
  5. (d) In all cases an awarding organisation must ensure that it is clear that the above outcomes are in relation to the Spoken Language Assessment.
  1. For the purposes of these requirements, ‘differentiation’ means the provision of opportunities in an assessment for Learners to generate evidence demonstrating different levels of attainment according to their knowledge, skills and understanding. 

  2. For the purposes of these requirements, ‘discrimination’ means the rank ordering of Learners on the basis of the different levels of attainment they have demonstrated in an assessment or set of assessments.