Exemplar 13: Claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Published 1 June 2013
The service aimed to help 2 million people claim Personal Independence Payment online.
Department responsible
Department | Permanent secretary | Digital leader |
Department for Work and Pensions | Robert Devereux | Kevin Cunnington |
Discovery phase complete with work on the alpha under way. Further work on the Personal Independence Payment exemplar will be linked to the delivery of managed reassessment for claimants that begins in October 2015.
The discovery phase was successful.
A final plan for a new digital service at the Department for Work and Pensions is still to be agreed.
Digital strategy statement
From the ‘Department for Work & Pensions digital strategy’ – December 2012:
…an opportunity to work with disability organisations to redesign business processes and facilitate a move to digital… working closely with GDS to develop an online service, learning the lessons from a controlled launch, with the intention of bringing this in as soon as possible after the launch of PIP.
Scope of exemplar
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) was introduced in April 2013 for people aged 16 to 64 to help with the extra costs of long-term ill-health or disability. Users can make a claim over the telephone or through the post and may need to attend a face-to-face consultation with a health professional to assess how much support they need.
We’re now building an in-depth understanding of user needs to see which parts of the PIP process might best be delivered through digital channels.
Delivery Status
Completed: Discovery — September 2013.
Read about the discovery phase.
Completed: Start alpha build — March 2015.
Alpha Service Standard assessment - April 2015.
Start beta development — date to be confirmed.
Public beta release — date to be confirmed.
Service goes live — date to be confirmed.
Anticipated volume
2m people supported
For further information about this project please visit our blog or contact us.