
Gender data

Published 28 May 2019

1. Gender data in the UK - overview

Office for National Statistics (ONS), equalities data audit: report, spreadsheet of datasets. Centre for Equalities and Inclusion on the ONS website.

Some of the topics:

Data portraying gendered salary breakdown by bands across sectors

Data on the financial impact that having children has on women

Gender disaggregated data on procurement - Companies House and their FAME dataset may help; however, this data is not open

Transparency in broadcasting:

  • Ofcom reviews public service broadcasters (PSBs) in terms of how they are meeting PSB obligations, including representing the lives and concerns of diverse groups. Here is their latest review of the PSBs which contains audience outreach data

  • Creative Diversity Network’s Project Diamond data reports combine collecting diversity data of television broadcasters (both in terms of the content on screen and the diversity of employees off screen).

  • Ofcom Diversity and equal opportunities in television report

Data on vulnerable groups that might be underreported, e.g. definition of homelessness doesn’t encompass people who don’t have a fixed address despite not living on the streets, thus excluding them from getting any support - this group tend to be women, often single mothers.

  • The Centre for Equalities & Inclusion are looking at ways to improve gathering information from non-private households, here is the scoping report.

  • GSS homelessness statistics (overview)

  • National Records of Scotland Health and Homelessness study exploring the relationship between homelessness and health, gender is among other data collected in the study.

Data on social care performed by adults

Sustainable Development Goals data explorer platform for the UK which disaggregates much of the data available by sex

‘Explainer piece’ summarising the differences between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’

2. Gender pay gap in the UK

Search and compare gender pay gap data in the UK

Gender pay gap actions

Gender pay gap action plan - GLA: and

Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations 2017

Eight ways to understand your organisation’s gender pay gap - guide for the HR

IPPR pay gap report

Intersectionality in pay gap report

3. Other (not only UK-based; various reports and initiatives)

Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation - ‘Data can be sexist’

Gender mainstreaming


ILDA’s Gender, Security and Data program

Gender-related reports - The World Wide Web Foundation:

Taking Stock: Data and Evidence on Gender Digital Equality