Department for Transport procurement process
Department for Transport procurement process.
This document details the procurement process followed within the Department for Transport (DfT). It explains more about:
- how the procurement teams are organised
- how suppliers are selected
- conditions of contract
- how the tender process works
- how to challenge the department if something goes wrong
Updates to this page
Updated the contact details for the public procurement review service
Contract Finder requirements altered so contracts affected at £12,000 plus VAT compared to £10,000, change of social value criteria, pay commitment increased from 80% to 90% plus contract email altered.
Updated guidance to reflect the way in which we carry out commercial activity at DfT. It covers how we buy goods and services and where we advertise contract opportunities, and expands on some of the wider commercial principles that are important to us and of which, as a potential supplier, you will wish to be aware.
Information on the altered tender process and registering for the portal added.
Document updated to take account of changes in the procurement organisation and in regulations.
First published.