
Annual revenue outturn returns: letter to local authorities

Updated 9 May 2024

Applies to England

Letter from:

Gavin Sayer
Head of Local Authority Revenue Account Data Collections
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities


The Chief Financial Officer

30 April 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,

Statutory Annual Revenue Outturn (RO) Data Return for 2023-24

1. Please find attached:

(i) The form for your authority’s revenue expenditure and financing outturn return for 2023-24
(ii) The Points to note and changes document
(iiii) Reference documents: specific guidance notes, and general guidance notes[footnote 1]

These have also been emailed to our usual contacts for the RO return in your authority.

2. We must remind you that:

(i) The information specified on the RO forms is required by the Secretary of State under section 168 of the Local Government Act 1972. The RO 2023-24 return is due by Friday 28 June 2024. Authorities are required to provide their best estimates by the deadline; these will be published as provisional outturn. (ii) DLUHC’s Director of Local Government Finance wrote to S151 officers advising of this intention on 6/12/2023. He intends to write to CEOs shortly to emphasise the importance of submitting high quality figures by this deadline. (iii) You are also required to ensure that a certified return is also emailed by Friday 11 October 2024.  Where any further significant updated figures become available subsequently, a further updated form should also be emailed to us, as we will publish at least two further updated data releases[footnote 2].

3. The completed forms, as well as any queries, should be e-mailed to: NB. Given the large number of excel forms that we receive by email, if you are sending an email with a query, or if you are otherwise seeking a response, please send your message in a separate email without any excel attachment.

Thank you for your continued efforts and co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

Gavin Sayer
Head of Local Authority Expenditure and Borrowing Data Collection

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities