
General licence for the movement of resolved inconclusive reactor cattle to slaughter

General licence for the movement of resolved inconclusive reactors from officially TB free cattle herds in England directly or indirectly to slaughter.



You must follow the conditions of the general licence when you move resolved inconclusive reactor cattle from a herd in England with officially TB free status.

A resolved inconclusive reactor is an animal identified as an inconclusive reactor at a TB skin test, which then tested clear upon re-test at least 60 days later.

If you are unable to comply with the conditions, or your herd is not officially TB free, contact the Animal and Plant Health Agency.

You must also follow the conditions of the general licence for the movement of cattle.

Updates to this page

Published 1 June 2020
Last updated 1 October 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated the general licence because of a new TB Order that came into force in England on 1 October 2021.

  2. First published.

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