Getting smarter: a strategy for knowledge & innovation assets in the public sector. The Mackintosh Report
This report set outs an implementation strategy to get greater value from public sector knowledge assets (also known as intangible assets, which include intellectual property, Research & Development, data, software, expertise and other intellectual resources).
HM Treasury published a report at Budget 2018 titled ‘Getting smart about intellectual property and other intangibles in the public sector’, which revealed that public sector organisations faced several barriers to effectively manage their knowledge assets (intangible assets such as intellectual property, research & development, and data). These public sector intangibles were estimated to be £150 billion at the time. The report set out ten recommendations to effectively manage them.
This implementation strategy will support organisations and individuals to overcome these barriers and is focused around three pillars: good practice, incentives and support. Key deliverables of this strategy are to set up a new unit (The Government Office for Technology Transfer) and fund, and the release of new guidance, to support public sector organisations in their management of knowledge assets.
If you have queries specifically related to the draft guidance on knowledge assets, please email the Knowledge Assets Team via
Knowledge Asset publications include:
The Rose Book: Guidance on knowledge asset management in government – Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, December 2021
Getting smart about intellectual property and other intangibles in the public sector - HM Treasury, October 2018