Goods Vehicle Movement Service codes for Data Element 5/23 of the Customs Declaration Service
Find the codes which can be used in Data Element 5/23 to identify the location where the goods may be examined for Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) ports (Appendix 16S).
Using the relevant codes from the list, enter the location where the goods are held at the time of making the declaration.
The code for the location to be declared in Data Element (DE) 5/23 is shown in column 3.
Updates to this page
Published 4 December 2021Last updated 31 January 2025 + show all updates
The format of the table has been updated, including a new column to indicate whether or not the location is in Northern Ireland.
GVMS codes for Cairnryan and Loch Ryan have been removed.
Appendix 16S amended to reflect that GVMS cannot be used for exports from Felixstowe, Harwich, Hull, Immingham, Killingholme, Port of Tyne, Purfleet or Teesport. Validation will be added from 10th May 2024 which will reject an export declaration if the GVMS location code for any of these ports is declared.
Manchester GVMS Port has been added.
Obsolete text relating to transition at the end of 2021 has been removed. No amendments have been made to the data list.
Sheerness has been removed from the list of ports using operating under Goods Vehicle Movement Service.
Felixstowe GVMS Port has been added.
Information added to clarify that goods can be pre-lodged using GVMS with immediate effect but they cannot be released at these locations until 1 January 2022.
First published.