Government construction pipeline
The government construction pipeline provides details of government funded construction projects.
The government construction pipeline provides information on government funded construction projects that are forecast or in progress.
The March 2016 government construction pipeline identified approximately £163 billion of planned investment from 2016/17 to 2020 and beyond.
The pipeline is designed to provide industry with a clear picture of planned government investment in construction. This transparency increases market confidence and supports industry to invest and allocate resources effectively.
Each pipeline update aims to improve the integrity of the data. The Infrastructure and Projects Authority works with private sector partner Barbour ABI to publish the pipeline. It engages with industry and government clients on current utility and future improvements.
Over the last 2 years the government has worked with industry to improve the pipeline and this has now been published on a dedicated portal: The raw pipeline data will continue to be available on GOV.UK and
The Infrastructure and Projects Authority coordinates the publication of the National Infrastructure Pipeline, which provides details of planned public and private investment in infrastructure.
Updates to this page
August 2015 construction pipeline data added.
Added pipeline data for December 2014.
July 2014 pipeline added.
Added construction pipelines data for December 2013
Added updates for August 2013
First published.